Accelerating is essential to get more speed. However, accelerating may turn your bike over and you'll hit your head, so be careful. Easy way to avoid it is to release gas once in a while. Harder (and faster) way is to turn your bike to the other direction for a while to return your front wheel to the ground. This works because accelerating always drops down the wheel which is accelerating. While sounding very easy, accelerating can be very hard in its subtlety.
A particular Elma language used mainly in #across IRC channel but also in other Elma media. The base language is English and a lot of influences come from Swedish and Finnish. Kuskis like Jeppe, SoC and ribot have brought several new words to acrossish. Most words are used only for a limited time and new ones appear all the time. Sample words could be balle (battle), ez (easy), whange (want), höyl (play over and over), kuski (player). Acrossish is a dialect of internet slang which is widely used in IRC, see
Advanced Level Editor (newest version is 2.1) is a program coded by Nicolas for more advanced level editing. Polygon copy, cut and connect, improved user interface, autograss, grid, level importing and many more features included. Also possible to create multiple flowers. The maximum level size is little bit bigger than what you can make in elma internal editor. Download ALE from zworqy's site.
The alias brake feature was first time presented
in Elasto Mania version 1.11h and it was originally requested by Karlis. The alias
brake allows you to select a key which will simulate another keystroke. For example, you press A
and the game understands that you pressed B (and A). The alias brake was needed because in
some levels people need to brake in extreme situations and have to use special key combinations which
most keyboards don't support. Each player has his or her own alias key (for multiplayer mode). Use
ElmaConf12.exe to configure the alias brake key.
There is a special trick in Elma called supervolt
which is done by pressing both left and right rotates simultaneously. Alovolt stands for alone supervolt
which means making an instant supervolt without the preceding normal volt beforehand. Alovolt is very
hard to do without any unofficial patch. Read
more on Mopolauta.
The anti-cheating group is making programs and
searching for methods to detect cheats. MGen, milagros and
Hibernatus have been important people in that area.
The object that needs to be collected before touching the
flower in a level. Though sometimes apples are absent, they're common used in levels. There's a
limit of 50 apples in one level. In pipe levels they're used as a count for how far you reached.
Originally the author of the game called apples as fruits.
An autolevel usually means a level where you don't have to press any button to finish the level. Usually they have some tight places so that you won't finish it easily if you press some key. An autolevel might be hard to make because the bike behaves little bit differently on each run. This is caused by rounding errors which happen when the speed, rotation etc. are expressed in doubles or floats in elma source code.
An autolevel can also mean a level made with a level generator, a program which makes random levels automatically. At least ribot has made a level generator.
This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.