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Golden Apple Awards 2004

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The GAA shows were meant to be annual, but because of Abula's army sercive GAA04 had to be postponed. A new jury was assembled, with Abula and SveinR being the only ones left from the old jury. Several changes in the rules and organization process were implemented this year. Firstly, the total number of categories were changed, from 10 in GAA03 to 15 in GAA04. The changes were: Comeback, Contest and Kuski out and Internalist, Externalist, Battler, Team, Multi WR, Style, LGR and Achievement categories in.

The show was held on IRCnet #gaa in 17. December 2004 at 19:00 EET and the candidates were selected from the period March 2003 to November 2004. Abula presented each category, giving the names of the nominees. After one category was presented, the jury members, in turn, gave their votes in the public #gaa channel, then the community vote. Then Abula presented the winner, who would get voiced and make a speech.

New this GAA was the addition of trophies as prizes. They were given out at FEM05 to the winners who were present at that meeting, otherwise they were sent in snail mail.


The rules were changed into a more structural, five step voting process:

First step
People of community have one week to name their preferred candidates for the different categories. It is compulsory to give a suggestion in the first step to be allowed to vote in the third step. These suggestions are done in the GAA04 thread on Mopolauta.
Second step
The jury chooses 10 candidates to each category. These candidates does not necessarily need to have anything to do with the suggestions from the community, but the suggestions are taken into consideration.
Third step
Those in the community who are eligible to vote in this step votes over the different candidates. To be eligible to vote they must have sent suggestions in the first step. They don't have to vote in each category, but in the categories they do vote in, they have to name a top5. Otherwise the vote doesn't count. Votes are done by sending a Private Message to Abula on Mopolauta.
Fourth step
The top5 nominees for each category are collected absolutely according to the community votes in the third step. The point system is as follows: 5 points to every first position, 4 points to every second position, and so on.
Fifth step
The jury members votes over the top5 nominees in each category. They have one vote each. The community also has one vote to the nominee with most points from the community voting process in the third step. In the event of a draw, one jury member had the deciding vote. Who this jury member was went in turns.


7.WRpsy: Apple Harvest 1:29,55 #133
8.Multi WRramone & Barbapappa: Enigma 18,37 #97
9.Stylemr: Quick Round other way around (23_123mr)
10.ReplayLuther: Downhill 46,35 (48_151Lu)
11.LevelMP: WC Flush (KingC04)
12.LGRLucian: HighQ
14.AchievementTorInge: 24h total time under 38 mins
15.SiteAbula: Moposite


1. Internalist, Zweq:
*goes off the stage* ;(

2. Externalist, Axxu:
I like all kinds of externals alot, even though I thought I would be 100% Internalist when I started playing, however I was mistaken :S I want to thank everyone who voted for me, and everyone who has made nice levels and held nice contests. Externals are at least 50% of elma playing, so this award means alot to me, thanks!

3. Battler, Markku:

4. Rookie, Axxu:
When I started playing I didn't have any clue I would get so good in elma. I would like to thank everyone who have pushed me forward in career and helped me making better results in everything. Special thanks to Luther, who has always given me hints how to get better success and just beeing a very good elma friend :* I'm very honoured to get this award, thanks!

5. Designer, Juble:
anyways thanks to people who enjoyed my levels and voted for me(even though my most active time was over 1 year ago)

6. Team, ICE:
MJXII: I wanna thank my teammates for being the great people they are, and generally combining to make such a great team to be in ^_^

Cloud: i said i would have a speech prepared and it's this: YEAH ¨=) thanks

Luther: I just want to say thanks to you all for voting us, and I think ICE will stand long because we have a great variety of players and a good team spirit (and a few internal fights eventually ;D ). Love y'all and ICE as well WHee

Stini: btw give us the banking account numbers, so that we can pay you as promised ;)

7. WR, psy:
healo everybody! im happy to recieve this award because ah is probably my last bigger effort in elma, therefore my last change to win such award. thanks to everyone!

8. Multi WR, ramone & Barbapappa:
ramone: I am very happy I found this style and managed to get wr with it. Good thing I had BarTek to play with me cause otherwise wr would have been impossible. When at first I was getting close to succeeding with this trick, in singleplayer, and showed Nostrada and MP they said it was crazy or something. Anyhow, I succeded and was MAX happy. Now I just needed to do it again, in multiplayer. I called BarTek and we started to play, with across lgr (I made it in singleplayer with that lgr so I didnt think it would be possible with other) and finnaly got up.. BarTek didnt get apple. Hihi. Well.. 4 fuckup recs later we finished. It took some hours, but we had great fun playing it, at least I did. We paused with some Flag Tag which is cool. This was the first time I played multi and well... 2 at 1 keyboard can be tricky... much easier if not that. I am proud to win thisstill and I think I deserved to win this. I love Emili!

Barbapappa: Heh yes the credit should go to ramone on this one. Uhm the style was his 100%, hes a crazy sweazy mothafaka with the brutalz and everthing. Best memories with this one must be that he did infact make the style 3-4 times, ofcourse i screwed up my very hard part and we almost gave up. But then we made it! (meaning i didnt die in end). Thats my multiplayer life so far. And what a awesome wr it is rite?

9. Style, mr:
ooh thanks, just arrived here to abula's place. hard to say anything.. it was one school day @ finnish elma channel and there was discussion about known unfinished styles and markku told his idea about qr style, i went home and it took about 2 hours and i finished it with time 44,44 and improved it to 40,69. Thanks to Markku for advice.

10. Replay, Luther:
I am honoured that my WR-replay is appreciated and thought of as good. I especially want to thank those players who made me inspired to go for a WR and lower my total time in the first place: Cloud, dz, Mick, oizo! - the players I frequently talked to back then, and whose comments made me develop my own Elma play. 20:00:54 Now I'd also like to thank the entire scene for participating and creating these wonderful events, statistics, competitions and just the general fucking time consuming stuff we have, which has fucked up my entire adult life (so far) ;)

I could list you all, but special thanks to ICE and you all present at FEM04, BarTek, ramone, oizo!, axxupaxxu, entire FM, all the Swedes playing and at last skint0r (for Bottle Rocket).

The making of the 46,35 Downhill WR-replay was a long ongoing process - a long walk from the first WR-time I achieved, 48,82, with an improvement to 47,90 hence I finally drove the current GAA-winning WR-time, 46,35. In the two months of pure höyling, I discovered the beauty of playing one level really really hard. And the sweet feeling I got when I drove my first WR, inspired me to improve. When Darmoed beat my 47,90 with 47,27 I was seriously depressed and frustrated. For one week while not working, I played nine hours a day for seven days - finally making 46,35 (which is 0,5 seconds better than my second best time on the level). In the style searching I didn't talk to anyone about Downhill, because I was so certain I could beat it with some new unplayed styles, and I knew that if I was to beat Darmoed's time, I'd not only have to use new styles, but also drive them almost perfect. Though at this point I didn't expect Darmoed to be cheating at all (he didn't have as many WR:s back then). Finally I got it, and at the same time I broke the 41tt limit which also says how much that WR inspired me to improve other internal levels and take other WR:s (New Wave, Labyrinth Pro, Bowling, (Tag)).

Anecdote, now with three minutes lower total time, my Downhill WR-time is now my oldest PR. THE END. :*

11. Level, MP:

12. LGR, Lucian:

13. Contribution, Viper_KillerGuy:
thanks everybody
hope you'll continue to enjoy the scripts
that's about it
thanks again
remember! it's vk0.dk NOT vk.mine.nu
maybe now people will listen

14. Achievement, TorInge:
Abula: Jalli, you saw it IRL? anything to say?

Jalli: Well, it really was amazing to watch him play those times that he did. I've never felt like a worse kuski in my entire life than when I was sitting next to him watching he do tricks in levs over and over while I struggled to do them once... Serpents Tale 53 in less than 20 mins speaks for itself

15. Site, Abula:
Not everybody appreciates this victory (Moposhit!) but it's important to me - and us. There are many people behind the site and without them it wouldn't be running. Thanks to them; you know who you are. Yet we are going to win this award in the next years too so more work has to be done. Tak


1. Internalist
2. Externalist
3. Battler
4. Rookie
5. Designer
6. Team
7. WR
1.psy: Apple Harvest 1:29,55 #133
2.Luther: Downhill 46,35 i#151
3.mr: Quick Round 40,69 #123
4.Zsolt: Flat Track 15,65 #121
5.Zweq: Animal Farm 1:17,55 #168
8. Multi WR
1.ramone & Barbapappa: Enigma 18,37 #97
2.ramone & mr: Zig Zag 35,60 #111
3.TorInge & Tantal: Apple Harvest 41,12 #114
4.milagros & Flat: Curvaceous 15,35 #119
5.TorInge & Tantal: Uphill Battle 20,35 #117
9. Style
1.mr: Quick Round other way around (23_123mr)
2.milagros: Curvaceous right first (38_184mi)
3.TorInge: Serpents Tale bounce (15_146To)
4.ramone: Zig Zag under minute (33_166ra)
5.ramone & Barbapappa: multi Enigma brutal (47)
10. Replay
1.Luther: Downhill 46,35 (48_151Lu)
2.Jalli: Impsybility Easy Version (MOPOCO19) 1:44,97 (BestCO19)
3.Zweq: Serpents Tale 52,44 (15_133Zw)
4.Zweq: Labyrinth Pro 2:18,03 (35_189Zw)
5.ramone: Zig Zag 59,76 (33_166ra)
11. Level
1.MP: WC Flush (KingC04)
2.Barbapappa: Chain Level Project (MOPSI007)
3.MP: Motion Combo YYY (KingC10)
4.Ville_J: Pirate
5.Juble Pipe Works (D0305L01)
12. LGR
1.Lucian: HighQ
2.Ville_J: Pirate
3.Yah: Nice Textures
4.goliath: Lego
5.Sulo: Ghosty 3D
13. Contribution
14. Achievement
1.TorInge: 24h total time under 38 mins
2.Zweq: 22 WRs in #152
3.Zweq: total time
4.milagros: catching darm for cheating
5.Markku: 792 victories out of 1075 battles
15. Site
1.Abula: Moposite
2.MP & Ville_J: Mopocorner
3.Viper_KillerGuy: vk0.dk/up
4.ZoRDiN: stats.elastomania.ru
5.skint0r: Skintatious




This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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