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Community history

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31-10-2004WR total time is under 37 mins
23-07-2004Fifth Finnish Elma Meeting is arranged
04-07-2004Fourth Hungarian Elma Meeting is arranged
04-10-2003King Cup starts
28-09-2003First kuski under 38 minutes in Elma total times
14-07-2003WR total time is under 38 mins
27-06-2003Second Dannish Elma Meeting is arranged
25-06-2003Third Hungarian Elma Meeting is arranged
09-06-2003Fourth Finnish Elma Meeting is arranged
11-04-2003First kuski under 39 minutes in Elma total times
18-03-2003Kuski gallery is released
01-03-2003Golden apple awards 2003 is arranged
21-01-2003First kuski under 35 minutes in Across total times
03-11-2002WR table #100 is up
17-10-2002Unofficial Elma patch 1.11hb is released
07-10-2002Unofficial Elma patch 1.11h is released
01-09-2002WR total time is under 39 mins
30-08-2002World Cup 4 starts
04-08-2002Third Finnish Elma meeting is arranged
19-07-2002Mopolauta (phpBB version) is released
02-05-2002First kuski under 40 minutes in Elma total times
09-03-2002Second Hungarian Elma Meeting is arranged
25-01-2002Lost Internals are released
05-12-2001WRs total time is under 40 mins
17-10-2001First Mopobattle is played
14-10-2001First kuski under 41 minutes in Elma total times
06-10-2001First Dannish Elma Meeting is arranged
29-09-2001First Czech Elma Meeting is arranged
25-08-2001Moposite is upgraded
12-08-2001First Hungarian Elma Meeting is arranged
21-07-2001Elma CD is published
14-07-2001Elma Crime is shot
12-05-2001Second Finnish Elma Meeting is arranged
03-03-2001OLP is released
31-01-2001Haazelmaban is released
21-11-2000First kuski under 42 minutes in Elma total times
21-10-2000Elma patch 1.11a is released
27-09-2000Elma patch 1.11 is released
18-09-2000First Elma patch, 1.1 is released
04-09-2000Elmapicnic is released
26-06-2000World Cup 3 starts
25-06-2000New (green) Moposite is created
10-06-2000First Finnish Elma Meeting is arranged
04-06-2000First kuski under 43 minutes in Elma total times
05-04-2000First kuski under 44 minutes in Elma total times
02-04-2000Elma is chosen the shareware game of the month by Mikrobitti
11-03-2000First kuski under 45 minutes in Elma total times
07-03-2000First Elma WR table is released
03-02-2000Elasto Mania 1.0 is published
13-11-1999mod.com comes
26-10-1999World Cup 2000 starts
26-06-1999First kuski under 36 minutes in Across total times
28-05-1999First kuski under 37 minutes in Across total times
04-04-1999World Cup 1 starts
19-02-1999First kuski under 38 minutes in Across total times
15-02-1999Across is chosen the second best shareware game of the year 1999 by Mikrobitti
19-12-1998First kuski under 39 minutes in Across total times
25-09-1998First kuski under 40 minutes in Across total times
14-07-1998IRCnet channel #across is founded
09-04-1998Across 1.2 is published
23-10-1997Across 1.0 is published

Other historical resources

  • Kuski gallery
  • Records
  • IRC logs


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Date: 8. Feb 2025
Time: 23:50 UTC

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