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Saturday, 1. April 2006

User contests category at 22:43 UTC by Abula

We have just decided to create a new category to News: User contests (it's Low priority so it needs to be enabled in Settings). It's a child category of Contests and meant for people who want to write news to Moposite about their own contest (for example because you updated the page or added new levels). Alot of players read the Moposite news so if you wish, you are more than welcome to use this feature, we think it's likely to give contests more players and thus make contests more interesting.

What we require is that your contest is of some quality, and that it's either been running for a while or that you have previously done something similar and have been noticed at some level in the community. And obviously you also have to be able to write English. We also expect that those willing to use this feature will have something to write about more than once in a year.

As with everything, this privilege too comes with responsibility, so if you write off-topic or abuse your right to write, we wont hesitate on taking your privilege away. In extreme cases banning might be considered, but we wish that there will be no need for such measures as this is meant to be for everyones benefit.

If you are willing to try, please mail your nick and url of your contest to help cFROMc moposite , com. And yes, the contest must be running in your own site.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Thursday, 30. March 2006

News filters at 20:12 UTC by Abula

Some instructions of using Base and Temporary filters has been written to FAQ.

The default filters are set to Medium, we assume that most people don't want to read all the not-so-important news. This means that by default the user (you) can't see the Low priority news. To see those news you should change your filters to All - Low in Base filters, on the Settings page. In addition you can override the Base filters by using the Temporary filters (look at the right column).

If you can't change the filters yourself (try again!) just use this link shortcut to see all the news on Moposite. The currently used temporary filters are displayed in a box above the news.

To filter a sub-set of the Base filters' set, uncheck the Disable Base filters. Otherwise don't touch it. Headlines in the left column shows only the Medium priority news, RSS feed includes all.

I hope this cleared a bit, don't hesitate to ask if not. Filters were quite a work to code so would be shame to not use them.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Tuesday, 28. March 2006

Information and Knowledge merge at 20:36 UTC by Abula

Many people found the Information and Knowledge's grouping confusing and in fact I agree. I'm not really sure why it was made like that initially but with a help of MagnusB the menu structure is now reorganized. Hopefully it's more logical this time.

Also there might be some broken links because of this operation, please report them to us unless they are listed in the broken links list.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Sunday, 26. March 2006

Paprika to Moposite history at 21:46 UTC by Abula

I updated the Paprika (and the temporary redirect page) information to Moposite history page. Also added Harmi to Credits who helped in the Paprika picture.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Detailed list of new things in Paprika at 21:03 UTC by Abula

The next things are roughly in the order they were made.

  • New email addresses: abu cFROMc moposite , com, pexi bFROMb moposite d0t com and help bFROMb moposite d0t com
  • Titles are specific (earlier it was same Elasto Mania All Around on every page)
  • Menu, Site navigator, Short menu and Site map are generated automatically from a database
  • New time and date box
  • Search is disabled as long as we don't offer anything to search
  • Links are underlined (in default theme), external and broken links are marked, Glossary links are dashed
  • Flags are resized to smaller, nicer and less bandwidth needed
  • All the styles are in CSS file, nothing in HTML file
  • DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN (valid)
  • Page generation and last modification times shown in bottom of the site
  • Headings and sub headings have new styles (should be clearer)
  • Important links in footer
  • Short menu next to logo
  • Important links on top of the logo
  • Text browser support (cell phones)
  • Most links have titles (alt text)
  • Forms and tables have new styles
  • XHTML 1.0 and CSS2 links in footer
  • Hide and show columns feature for wider layout
  • Moposite, not The Moposite (logo should be fixed)
  • Access keys
  • Many other new features were planned but we had to move them further to get Paprika out
  • New structure
  • 1.11hb and 1.2 patches added
  • New pages: Moposite History (all the old Moposite versions are there to browse, quite nostalgic isn't it), Future, Visitors and Tech specs
  • Elma and Across information pages have lot of new (interesting) stuff
  • PayPal added to Help us page (hint, hint)
  • New section (might get merged to Information soon though)
  • FAQ is updated of course
  • Designing page is quite an all-inclusive level designing page (great thanks to Zebra)
  • Tweaking page is finally explaining (all?) the vsync and other mystery things
  • Cheating page is totally renewed
  • Hints and tips is a new page offering practically nothing
  • Glossary I'm a bit proud of eventhough it could have better contents
  • Playing and Internal levels pages didn't get ready to publishing
Main / News
  • Main page is a new page displaying some basic information for first-time visitors (the picture is random, try to reload the page), if you are logged in (or cookie is set) and you type paprika.moposite.com to browser you'll arrive to News page instead
  • News page has a new layout
  • Comments (some basic BBcodes are supported, be careful)
  • KOM poll there (maybe it could achieve reputation back)
  • Random tips
  • Priorities (High, Medium, Low)
  • Categories
  • Filters (Base and Temporary), I will write a guide to use them
  • RSS
  • Newslist (link is in left column named Headlines)
  • New section
  • Log in by using your Kuski gallery account
  • Change password
  • Save / delete cookie (Remember me)
  • External / internal / mopolauta links (guide coming)
  • How to open pictures from thumbnails to real size (I prefer pop-ups but can't set them default because many people are blocking pop-ups and justly)
  • Change themes (obviously not many themes available at the moment)
  • Change News Base filters
We have nice systems for KOM, Banning, Adding news, Moderating comments and changing privilities. I find admin sections pretty important that moderators won't get annoyed of using them and stop doing their vital jobs.

Hopefully I didn't forget anything important.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Banning at 0:43 UTC by Abula

A few words about banning on Moposite since the first bans were served yesterday. The shame list isn't public now, but we might build something to show the current and old bans. Maybe it's not a good idea though because some people might find it interesting to compete on.

It's very easy to ban for admins, just a few clicks. On Mopolauta it's a bit harder (we might combine these two systems) but not too problematic.

The first ban is one week. The second ban will be two weeks, third one 3 weeks and so on. So the more bans you have gotten the longer you will be in penalty. Of course we can give people more than just one ban at once, for example if a kuski gets three bans for his first time it means six weeks (1 + 2 + 3). Is the logic clear?

How about the rules then? What can you do and what not? We are not going to write any specific rules now so use your common sense. And English.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6

Friday, 24. March 2006

Paprika release at 18:50 UTC by Abula

After two years and 2000 hours (ok, I didn't count) and here we are. Paprika is up and running. Some people have known about it, some might have guessed something's going on, others might have not.

Paprika is the code name for the latest version of Moposite, its coding was started in the summer of 2004, while Abula was still in the army. At the moment, Paprika isn't even near to being complete, but we were still able to publish it now (user managing is working quite well and the basic structure to build on is there). This news will only cover a few of the more important things and the full, more detailed, list will be published at a later time.

  • Elasto Mania 1.2 is released
  • News section is totally renewed, it's much easier to use for news writers but it also supports comments, categories, filters and priorities - which will be explained thoroughly later on
  • Panel: log in by using your Kuski gallery account information, you can edit some settings; if you have forgotten your password you must wait a bit; we will start the user managing in a few days time
  • New main page for first-time visitors (it's only shown for visitors who are not logged in so click Remember me if you want to enter the News page directly instead of Main page when surfing to Moposite)
  • Knowledge is a new main section, quite alot new material there
  • Information section is fully updated
  • The layout is tweaked and links are a bit more clever - eventhough they might be a bit confusing at first
  • Administration has been made better and easier
For the time being, there aren't too many obvious changes around here, if you compare it to the two years it's taken us to get to this point. That's because we had to design and code the basics very carefully to make developing of the site easier in the future. New sections and features will be introduced as they are completed. The next major change will be to give a facelift to Kuski gallery and other community pages. That will include a much nicer user managing both for admins and visitors.

Bug reports are more than welcome.

People who have been or still are a part of this project:
Abula and Viper_KillerGuy - both have put alot of time and effort into the coding and obviously Abula being the leader of the whole project; Sathy - the editor, feedback; Zebra - Designing section; BarTek - Welcome pictures; skint0r - code support, feedback; SveinR, px, Tisk and Luther some minor tasks.

Drop a comment (right-bottom corner) or keep on discussing on Mopolauta.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 8

Links bugging at 18:00 UTC by Abula

Links to Mopolauta and some links in News are bugging. They will be fixed in a while.

Meanwhile you can use the direct address: http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Time: 8:41 UTC

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