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Hall of fame

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ahfapple harvesters finlandbefore 2004-11-06
ASCAcrossive SuperCrossersbefore 2004-11-06
EKElasto Kingsbefore 2004-11-06
EMElasto Maniacsbefore 2004-11-06
EMTEddie Monsoon Technologiesbefore 2004-11-06
fed.federation against antihoylismbefore 2004-11-06
FINTeam Finlandiabefore 2004-11-06
FMFlowertouching Menbefore 2004-11-06
CARTCzech Across Racing Teambefore 2004-11-06
CFCold Fingersbefore 2004-11-06
CWSCrossers With Stylebefore 2004-11-06
c0olTeam c0olbefore 2004-11-06
HCHellsinki Crossersbefore 2004-11-06
ICImagination Crossersbefore 2004-11-06
ICEIce Cream Elma teambefore 2004-11-06
MCMahti Crossersbefore 2004-11-06
MKMopokuskisbefore 2004-11-06
MOTOMENTeam MOTOMENbefore 2004-11-06
PRAPiteå Radioactive Acrossersbefore 2004-11-06
RDKRiderfriends Denmarkbefore 2004-11-06
REMRhyme of Elasto Maniabefore 2004-11-06
SCSlesk Crossersbefore 2004-11-06
SSCScandinavian SuperCrossersbefore 2004-11-06
swossensible world of soccerbefore 2004-11-06
TAAFThe Advanced Acrossers Federationbefore 2004-11-06
TEAThe Elastic Aboriginalsbefore 2004-11-06
tLDthe Lone Derangersbefore 2004-11-06
T98Team 98before 2004-11-06


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Date: 29. Mar 2025
Time: 9:44 UTC

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