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MC Studios
15 January 2000
One cheerful weekend when our Christmas holiday 1999 had just began our crazy gang MC and papu gathered in papu's room with an idea of making few cover songs including lyrics that are related to Across. Well, at first it was very fun to write the lyrics and so on, but after a few hours of sweaty work it started to be infernal. This was because of Abula's, Tuska's and especially Ultra's amazing skill to be rent into laugh in the middle of very important recording sessions! It was time for a little break. Abula, papu, Tuska and Ultra went to Abula's home and had a very tasteful Taco-evening; during this Carju relaxed himself skiing for couple of hours. MC studios went back to papu's studio and started again with a new fresh enthusiasm. During this weekend MC studios made these four ultimate Across-songs: Across-Ukko, Across Day, Ajetaan me motskarilla and Kukkaan valkeaan...! The quality is not dazzling but we are the very first band in this scene and we feel that the message is very important piece of music.

The story of No-Johhhh!!: During a recording session (we don't remember which song) it was an instrumental period and papu pressed microphones' mute buttons and said for in a case of emergency something like "Nyt ei saa ennää revetä!!" and turned off the mute. But Abula thought that papu forgot to keep the silence and told everyone to stop. This caused a hot debate in which Abula said those famous words!

You can imagine that we have developed as a band from the times of our first recordings and in the near future we are going to record some new Elma songs, so if you know a perfect song to be made an Elma version or if you just have invented juicy lyrics, please don't be shamed to inform us! E-mail papu. It is desirable that the lyrics would be in English and the song would be well-known also outside Finland.

5 July 2000
Hi guys! It took a lot longer time than we thought to get enough crazy to make up the second recording session, but now it's over and the upcoming songs are ready for you! As we promised the quality of new songs is a huge step above from Across-ukko and fellows! Of course, this wasn't possible with the same old group, so we asked for px and Velzu, who we already knew from other projects, to give some inspiration and efficiency for us. But, however, the time was very KITSAS and practically we had to record (and practise and make up the lyrics for :) ) the songs in less than ten hours. This because of our pleasant summer jobs, weird sleeping rhythms and stupid summer journey. But anyway, they are now as ready as we want and converted to various formats and ready for downloading... have a nice time when listening to them! Check out also MC Studios' picture gallery.

Name                      Size Description Uploaded
Acrossday1.22 MBAcross version from 'Yesterday' (The Beatles) with two singers (Abula & Ultra), drums and bass.23 Feb 2000
Across-ukko0.94 MBEverybody (at least in Finland and Sweden) knows 'Ukko Nooa' (gubben noach), so we really had to do an Across version of it. It was also easy to play.23 Feb 2000
Ajetaan Me Motskarilla1.42 MBThis was made from 'Ajetaan me tandemilla' song. Pretty nice song, isn't it?23 Feb 2000
Kukkaan Valkeaan...0.73 MBAcross version from Dingo's 'Autiotalo'. Maybe the best one of these four first songs (the first recording session).23 Feb 2000
Alone In Team3.85 MBOff Springs' 'Self Esteem' with Elma lyrics. Lineup: Ultra (vocals, guitar), Veltzu (bass) and Carju (drums).13 Jul 2000
Final Game4.36 MBThis was made from Europe's 'Final Countdown'. Lineup: Veltzu (vocals, guitar), Ultra (lead guitar), papu (bass), px (piano) and Carju (drums).13 Jul 2000
Nothing Else Matters (But Elma)5.49 MBElma version from Metallica's 'Nothing Else Matters'. Lineup: Veltzu (vocals, guitar), Ultra (lead guitar), papu (bass) and Carju (drums).13 Jul 2000
Paradise3.71 MBOriginal song is Stratovarius' 'Paradise'. Lineup: Veltzu (vocals, guitar), Ultra (lead guitar), papu (bass), px (piano) and Carju (drums).13 Jul 2000
Sinä Ajoit Pois2.31 MBUltra Bra's (a Finnish band) song 'Sinä lähdit pois' inspirated us to make an Elma version. Lineup: Veltzu (vocals), Ultra (bass, vocals), papu (vocals), px (piano) and Carju (drums)13 Jul 2000
Vi Höyler Mer2.11 MBIn 1995 the finnish achieved gold in ice hockey World Championship by beating the swedes 4-1!! The song 'Den glider in' became a legend in Finland so we decided to do an Elma version. Lineup: Veltzu (vocals), Ultra (guitar, vocals), papu (bass, vocals), px (piano, vocals) and Carju (drums). Special thanks to Christopher Inglund about translation help.13 Jul 2000

Lyrics, technical information and lineup for recording session 1 >>
Lyrics, technical information and lineup for recording session 2 >>
Some MC Studios pictures >>
Music video (Paradise) is also available (22.2MB, DivX ;-)) >>

Other songs
Name Size Artist(s)
End of the Road2.54MBCEC (ciph and agent#00negro)
Live Wit It3.90MBCEC (ciph and Juish)
All Up In Your Face2.41MBCEC (ciph, Juish and agent#00negro)
Elma Rap1.41MBAnton vs Simon
Elma Rules1.99MBveezay
Enigmatic song1.74MBTshabee
Enigmatic song (punk rock edition)1.25MBDarMoeD
Losing my World Record4.10MBMUe (from Elma CD)
Mopobiisi2.64MBkgp feat_ pikku hukka ja isokarhu
Psychedelic kuski0.68MBToble feat. yothink
Can't get Elma out of my mind2.68MBBjorn

- End of the Road >>
- Live Wit It >>
- All Up In Your Face >>
- A Story About Jappo >>
- Losing my World Records >>

Sounds of the game
- Acceleration >>
- Dropping to the ground >>
- Dropping to the ground softly >>
- Dying >>
- Finishing a level >>
- Getting an appel >>
- Rotation >>
- Starting the engine >>
- Turning >>
- All in one pack >>


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Date: 31. Mar 2025
Time: 19:42 UTC

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