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Monday, 24. July 2006

Kuski of month page at 6:23 UTC by Abula

We have finished the Kuski of month page. Thanks to SveinR for helping again.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Saturday, 22. July 2006

Cities page at 5:46 UTC by Abula

We have added the Cities page. Last time active and Created are missing in the single city view, will be fixed later. Also comment watches are not functioning yet.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Thursday, 20. July 2006

Commenting in Players section at 11:14 UTC by Abula

If someone drops a comment to your gallery or identity and you want to answer please comment in his identity / gallery, not in yours. This is the common way to communicate in systems like this. It's like in normal life: someone is saying something to you and you answer to him, not to yourself.

dz said same on Mopolauta.

Category: Moposite  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6

Wednesday, 19. July 2006

Mopobattles 136 and 137 over at 19:05 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles 136 and 137 were played:

Mopobattle 136 by The OooO: Winner: Munkki [MAN]. Level, replay, results
Mopobattle 137 by Sla: Winner: Karlis [FM]. Level, replay, results

Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Monday, 17. July 2006

Mopobattles 136 and 137 at 15:36 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles 136 and 137 will be battled on Wednesday 19.7.2006 at 20:00 and 21:00 EEST. After that there might be a little break in mopobattles because I don't have any levels in queue anymore.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Friday, 14. July 2006

Nickname change enabled at 17:33 UTC by Abula

It's possible to change your nickname now and it's limited to one change per three months. You don't lose your old nickname either but old links (/player/oldnick, search etc.) are pointing to the new one.

Next I'll reserve some old player nicknames so no new players won't be able to take them by accident (Champi0N, zeth, PeXi etc.)

Moreover if your current nickname is a typo (or including disallowed team tag) please contact me and we fix it so that you won't have that false one in your nickname history.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 9

Thursday, 13. July 2006

New countries at 23:36 UTC by Abula

Yugoslavia isn't a country anymore but separated to many smaller ones: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I've added all those new ones to nation list. Moreover I didn't remove Yugoslavia yet, players from there could update their identities to correct.

And I'm not going to take any political discussion whether the old Yugoslavia should remain. I follow the Wikipedia's List of countries

Faroe Islands got added too.

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Third player under 37 minutes at 21:28 UTC by Abula

John was third player, after TorInge and Zweq, who got under 37 mins in total time. He achieved this about two hours ago. Big grats to him!

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 8

Automatic news comment watch at 3:37 UTC by Abula

We have added an automatic news comments watch. You can enable it in Settings.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Players section fixes at 2:08 UTC by Abula

Some fixes:
  • You can select table listing direction in Settings to vertical, the feature requested by Phillip
  • Number of comments of each picture is displayed in the main gallery page of players, it's told in brackets in the same line with uploading date
  • New players have Unknown 2006 as Started playing Elma in by default when registering, it was 1997 earlier
  • Some minor ones

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 12. July 2006

Mopobattles 134 and 135 over at 19:15 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles 134 and 135 over, and axxu won them both.

Mopobattle 134: level, replay, results
Mopobattle 135: level, replay, results


Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Access keys at 4:01 UTC by Abula

Access keys are worth trying in order to make surfing easier on Moposite.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 10

Tuesday, 11. July 2006

Comment watch at 20:12 UTC by Abula

Viper_KillerGuy coded the comment watch and we implemented it to the system. You can start watching comments in certain news, player gallery pictures or identities. When more places for comments are coded they will be added to this watch.

The comment watch is automatically enabled for your own Identity and Gallery pictures (you can disable them). The comment watch is managed through links under Functions in the right column in certain pages.

Receiving a comment makes a drop-down-menu box visible in Panel in the left column (the place where you see your nickname in yellow).

Please share your thoughts, report bugs and start writing comments to people :).

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Three KOM interviews at 12:49 UTC by Abula

I've uploaded the following interviews, sorry for a delay:
petsen wrote his 7˝h after winning the poll, great spirit! Please, all you who haven't done it yet... please answer to a question or two and continue later. Once it will get ready.

I'll start making a new KOM page today.

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Monday, 10. July 2006

IRC pages at 16:19 UTC by Abula

I've uploaded the new IRC page. Lots of new text, logs, stats and pictures there.

We also need some help to get more truthful statistics.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2

Golden Apple Awards pages at 12:06 UTC by Abula

With a great help of SveinR I've created the GAA pages, at last. You find them under Community. Special thanks to skint0r for offering web space for FEM05 videos (there's one from the GAA05 gala). As usually please report all errors and improvement suggestions.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 9. July 2006

Mopobattles 131-133 over at 16:57 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles 131-133 over, and they were won by Munkki, Abula and Abula respectively.

Mopobattle 131: level, replay, results
Mopobattle 132: level, replay, results
Mopobattle 133: level, replay, results


Mopobattles 134 and 135 on Wednesday as told before.

In mopobattle 133 there were only 5 players. Is this the end of mopobattles?

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Friday, 7. July 2006

Mopobattles coming at 20:25 UTC by zebra

There are some mopobattles coming:

Mopobattle 131 by Costyan on Sunday 9.7. at 13:00 EEST
Mopobattle 132 by Costyan on Sunday 9.7. at 18:00 EEST
Mopobattle 133 by ribot on Sunday 9.7. at 19:00 EEST
Mopobattle 134 by insane guy on Wednesday 12.7. at 20:00 EEST
Mopobattle 135 by insane guy on Wednesday 12.7. at 21:30 EEST

We were talking in #mopobattle that is it enough to advertise the mopobattles here or should I advertise in mopolauta too?

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Thursday, 6. July 2006

Records #92 at 10:42 UTC by Abula

Juzam and Raven under 39 minutes.

ps. remember to name the state.dats like abula.dat or xiphias.dat, that saves my time.


Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 2. July 2006

WRs #245 at 21:24 UTC by px

Three new World Records

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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