good that you made it clear
Only downside is that everyone besides those 2 will find it impossible to read any and all comments about that particular identity or gallery.
If you want to compare this to anything in real life it's like instead of having a book about a certain subject you have a book for every person on earth who have an opinion about that subject.
If you want to know the respons a certain comment got press the link that enables watching for that subject. Which is easier: a single person clicks a button twice (enable/disable watch)? or, for each comment, everyone else clicks several buttons and searches in a >500kb documents?
And to which picture should i reply to to answer a question asked in one of mine?
Answer to some of them, no matter. The other guy will see it anyway.
Who reads other people's discussions so eagerly? "nice hat", "yes thanks you too", "omg thanks" etc.
What if you were to say "thanx" to the last 10 people who commented. Then I suppose it is ok to comment in your own book, rather than in 10 different books???
People want to get attention, if they comment you they probably would like to see a comment back.
And more to vk: if you find your response comment is essential to see for people checking your comments you can drop the comment in both places: to own and to other's book.
This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.
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