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News list

New accounts got validated10-01-2011, 19:06 UTCAbulaAdministrationMedium2
Spef under 35:00,00!12-05-2018, 17:26 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh2
Elasto Mania (1995-2018)10-05-2018, 08:41 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh1
Moposite archive15-04-2018, 10:56 UTCAbulaStuffHigh0
Kisma and Leikki levels15-04-2018, 08:34 UTCAbulaContestsMedium0
World Cup page is fixed15-04-2018, 08:29 UTCAbulaContests -> World CupHigh0
Replays of WR tables #201-25010-03-2018, 19:59 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh4
Elma in Finnish national TV25-02-2018, 10:20 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh2
Finnish Elma Meeting 201817-02-2018, 16:43 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh0
Replays of WR tables #101-20030-01-2018, 09:44 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh1
Elma II WR list20-12-2017, 21:21 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh0
Free Elasto Mania II copies15-12-2017, 13:08 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh35
Elma 2 is out13-12-2017, 15:28 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh1
World Record replays of WR tables #51-10002-11-2017, 18:13 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh1
Finnish Elma Meeting 2017 will take place16-07-2017, 13:57 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh2
Impsyzeroty30-07-2016, 10:19 UTCAbulaContests -> KinglistMedium0
Elma in web browser25-07-2016, 20:00 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh1
FEM1507-06-2015, 10:08 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh0
BREAKING NEWS20-04-2020, 12:26 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh3
Elasto Mania on Steam30-04-2020, 20:20 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
Elasto Mania in Speedrun.com05-05-2020, 17:26 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh2
Huge collection of state.dat files16-05-2020, 13:49 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh0
Elasto Mania iOS version released25-08-2014, 17:23 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh0
More data to Moposite Archive23-05-2020, 17:57 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
New WR Statistics26-05-2020, 07:45 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh0
40 hours update to the Elasto Mania (1995-2018) article27-05-2020, 09:22 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh9
Elasto Mania Retrospective06-06-2020, 07:46 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh0
New Across WR!17-06-2020, 15:43 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh2
Across WR Table #42024-06-2020, 20:24 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh4
Across WR Table #42107-07-2020, 18:56 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Mopolauta emails fixed20-07-2020, 14:58 UTCAbulaAdministrationHigh0
Across WR Table #42225-07-2020, 08:43 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
World Cup 8 coming!31-07-2020, 09:57 UTCAbulaContests -> World CupHigh4
Across WR Table #42305-09-2020, 18:06 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Found Internals18-04-2013, 20:02 UTCAbulaContestsMedium0
National Records30-09-2020, 10:02 UTCAbulaAdministrationMedium1
Pole Vault01-11-2020, 20:02 UTCAbulaContestsHigh0
Contests got moved to Kopasite01-04-2013, 19:00 UTCAbulaContestsHigh1
Across WR Table #42405-11-2020, 11:35 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
MacOs21-03-2021, 21:17 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh1
WR replays tables 251-30006-07-2021, 18:47 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh1
New EOL version (v1.0.11)07-09-2021, 17:35 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
Across WR Table #42508-10-2021, 19:13 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh3
Across WR Table #42619-10-2021, 12:09 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
EOL integration works again05-11-2012, 17:10 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaMedium2
Old Across WR tables05-12-2021, 10:38 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Hypebeast game07-01-2022, 10:19 UTCAbulaStuffHigh2
WR replays14-10-2012, 09:16 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh2
Across source code published14-01-2022, 12:26 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
Old Across WR table times (1999-02-03)20-01-2022, 10:52 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Moposite future and Elmawiki06-10-2012, 15:27 UTCAbulaMopositeHigh0
Across WR table FROZEN20-01-2022, 11:29 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Balázs meeting17-08-2012, 14:52 UTCAbulaCommunityHigh4
Elasto Mania on consoles26-01-2022, 11:33 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh4
Across WR Table #42705-02-2022, 21:38 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
c64 elma08-02-2022, 20:51 UTCAbulaStuffHigh0
Across WR Table #42823-02-2022, 16:05 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Players and Cheating pages hidden27-02-2022, 17:39 UTCAbulaAdministrationHigh1
Across WR Table #42915-03-2022, 14:42 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Two old Across WR tables found from 1997-199803-04-2022, 06:55 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossMedium0
Across WR Table #43003-04-2022, 07:44 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Across WR Table #43117-04-2022, 12:15 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh5
Cream Pie Cup #1 (video)24-04-2022, 17:05 UTCAbulaContestsMedium0
Across WR Table #43208-05-2022, 12:00 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh6
Across WR Table #43320-11-2022, 14:54 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Across WR Table #43405-02-2023, 13:07 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Records updated17-01-2011, 08:02 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh4
Across WR table #44409-11-2024, 12:56 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Across WR table #44327-09-2024, 19:30 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Elma Ultimate 2010 DVD out!13-02-2011, 19:26 UTCAbulaStuffHigh2
Across WR table #44227-08-2024, 17:38 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
Across WR table #44117-08-2024, 10:40 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
Visitors data updated20-02-2011, 18:17 UTCAbulaMopositeMedium0
Special Levels #3817-08-2024, 10:27 UTCAbulaContests -> KinglistMedium0
ZER0TV16-08-2024, 20:28 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh0
Three pipe records by Zero10-07-2024, 11:44 UTCAbulaContests -> KinglistHigh0
Across WR table #44017-06-2024, 17:26 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh0
New email address for Elma WRs12-06-2024, 16:45 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh3
New raw archive material02-06-2024, 05:18 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
Across WR Table #43921-05-2024, 10:51 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
The Event Dates of Old World Cups (1, 2k, 3, 4)18-05-2024, 16:27 UTCAbulaContests -> World CupHigh0
Across 1.1 online browser version12-05-2024, 20:33 UTCAbulaGeneralMedium0
Across WR statistics07-05-2024, 00:31 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh1
World (wild) Total Times Top-152 (snapshot)29-04-2024, 16:43 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh0
Special Levels #3618-04-2024, 20:55 UTCAbulaContests -> KinglistHigh0
Major update to The History of Elasto Mania14-04-2024, 11:30 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
Elma Ultimate 2010 iso08-08-2011, 20:19 UTCAbulaStuffHigh0
Across WR Table #43824-02-2024, 19:07 UTCAbulaRecords -> AcrossHigh3
Elma Ultimate 2010 Collector's edition sold out30-08-2011, 19:37 UTCAbulaStuffMedium0
World Cup 9 started13-02-2024, 11:11 UTCAbulaContests -> World CupHigh0
Elma article in a Finnish gaming magazine09-09-2011, 19:17 UTCAbulaStuffMedium8
Elasto Mania C6419-02-2024, 14:34 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh0
Mopolauta back in business22-01-2024, 14:18 UTCAbulaAdministrationHigh0
Mopolauta out of service17-01-2024, 11:29 UTCAbulaAdministrationHigh0
Special levels #3504-01-2024, 01:44 UTCAbulaContests -> KinglistHigh0
New Pole Vault WR18-03-2023, 21:19 UTCAbulaContestsHigh6
Android Elma25-04-2023, 19:29 UTCAbulaAdvertisingHigh2
First Elma reaction videos?18-04-2023, 12:08 UTCAbulaGeneralHigh0
The oldest world top10 records31-01-2012, 23:57 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaMedium2
EOL to Moposite connection31-12-2011, 13:46 UTCAbulaRecords -> ElmaHigh0


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Date: 15. Jan 2025
Time: 23:45 UTC

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