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Friday, 20. November 2020

WRs at 11:37 UTC by px

Still no new WRs to be updated. Go and ride some! :)

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Thursday, 5. November 2020

Across WR Table #424 at 11:35 UTC by Abula

Robeloto strikes again!

Across WR Table #424

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 1. November 2020

Pole Vault at 20:02 UTC by Abula

In case you didn't know there is Pole Vault competition!

Standings (afaik):

1. adi 627
2. TM 617

Category: Contests  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 30. September 2020

National Records at 10:02 UTC by Abula

I enabled Moposite National Records. Data doesn't look very updated though...

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Saturday, 5. September 2020

Across WR Table #423 at 18:06 UTC by Abula

Robeloto and Labs in Fire!

Across WR Table #423

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 31. July 2020

World Cup 8 coming! at 9:57 UTC by Abula

World Cup 8 in one month!

More info

Category: Contests -> World Cup  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Thursday, 30. July 2020

WRs #413 at 19:04 UTC by px

Almost two seconds off of the WR total time with these three new WRs:

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2

Saturday, 25. July 2020

Across WR Table #422 at 8:43 UTC by Abula

Three new Across WRs in #422 which makes Rob aka Robeloto having three WRs in a row! Grats!

Across WR Table #422

Across WR total time was improved by 1,08 seconds.

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Monday, 20. July 2020

Mopolauta emails fixed at 14:58 UTC by Abula

Mopolauta emails have not been working for a while preventing registeration of new users and subscribing topics etc. Big thanks to Ville_J to report the critical error!

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 7. July 2020

Across WR Table #421 at 18:56 UTC by Abula

Seven new Across World Records! Gratz to Arzenik, BarTek/barbapappa, mrickx and Rob! mrickx has uploaded the WR video

Across WR Table #421

The WR Total Time was improved by whopping 2,86 seconds!

ps. I also changed the email address to mine.

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 24. June 2020

Across WR Table #420 at 20:24 UTC by Abula

Two more Across WRs! This is getting out of hands. Grats to Labs and Arzenik! I even fixed a bit more the page outlook and calculated the current WR total time: 33:39,77

Across WR Table #420

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Wednesday, 17. June 2020

New Across WR! at 15:43 UTC by Abula

After almost 16 years a new Across WR was driven! Congratulations to Labs!

Across WR table #419

ps. Elma WR table number only 7 tables behind.

Category: Records -> Across  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2

Sunday, 14. June 2020

Action SuperCross on Steam, along with an official levelpack at 20:38 UTC by SveinR

Action SuperCross will be released on Steam on June 17th, and with it an official levelpack made from previously unreleased and early versions of levels - dating all the way back to 1997!

Official trailer
Lauta topic
Information on the official website

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Thursday, 11. June 2020

WRs #412 at 9:16 UTC by px

One new WR.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Saturday, 6. June 2020

Elasto Mania Retrospective at 7:46 UTC by Abula

A new overview video of Elasto Mania and Across:


Category: Advertising  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 27. May 2020

40 hours update to the Elasto Mania (1995-2018) article at 9:22 UTC by Abula

I did quite a big update to my Elma article:

Also got reader's feedback if I could improve the contrast of Moposite colors. Good point dz! So finally after 20 years you can actually read the contents of this web site!

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 9

Tuesday, 26. May 2020

New WR Statistics at 7:45 UTC by Abula

I just published some new WR statistics: https://mopolauta.moposite.com/viewtopic.php?p=267143#p267143

Zweq has had most WRs for 2565 days, Spef 1646+ and TorInge 981 days.

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 23. May 2020

More data to Moposite Archive at 17:57 UTC by Abula

Added Elma Ultimate DVD, Forever CD and Elma Crime to Moposite Archive. Plus some videos that got removed in the original host.

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 16. May 2020

Huge collection of state.dat files at 13:49 UTC by Abula

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 5. May 2020

Elasto Mania in Speedrun.com at 17:26 UTC by Abula

Just noticed that there are some nice results in Speedrun.com in Elasto Mania section: https://www.speedrun.com/elma/full_game

Go Zweq! And Spef who comments own playing!

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Time: 9:59 UTC

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