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In Elasto Mania, it's possible to import your own graphics to the game. The tool for making these graphics is DK = lgr Development Kit (1440 kB). In the game you can edit the levels with the built-in editor, though being not able to change the graphics of the levels. You can only choose from the predrawn trees, bushes, etc. With this Development Kit you can import your own pictures into the game. Pictures don't affect the way you ride a level by your bike, they are only there to make the level look nicer. There are two kind of pictures: normal pictures and masks with textures. The bushes, trees and all objects are normal pictures. In most cases you will create normal pictures and very seldom will you use masks with textures.

As this Development Kit is not part of the game, It has been only done available for the public so that those people who want to include their own graphics in the game could do this, if they are willing to spend time understanding exactly how this program works. They should have prior knowledge about manipulating image files, using color palettes and using dos command line tools. This DK can be used for the shareware and registered versions also. Please read the readme.txt file in the package before you start to use it. The graphics are stored in a separate file with the extension of '.lgr' in the lgr subdirectory. Probably the names of the pictures in the level and lgr file won't match, so the non-matching objects won't appear on the screen when you play and will be removed from the level file if you load it into the editor and save it. The game works only with maximum 8+3 characters long .lev, .rec and .lgr file names.

Download this file, extract to the lgr subdirectory, make sure you have all lgr files from our page to be extracted in lgr subdir. Then start to play internals. Now you should have different lgrs used in each tracks. More info >>

Making your own lgr files
If you want to add pictures to the lgr file, you have to use a command line program, make_lgr.exe which is included in the DK. Read the tutorial through completely, with the help of it, it's much easier for you to make your own lgrs.

Hints for making a superb lgr
- Look at other people's lgrs (to know the skill level of other),
- but don't copy anything from others.
- Modify as many pictures, objects and textures as you wish, but properly
- Use time.
- Use more time.
- Don't hurry up though it would be funny to publish it.
- Ask someone to check your lgr before publishing it that all bugs will be found.
- A good design is a half-done.
- The name of your lgr is limited to 8 characters
- You can have your own palette by changing the palette to all pictures.

Tutorial (How to create your first lgr file.)
Part I: Get the LGR DK (Development kit).
Part II: Uncompress it to a separate directory such as C:\Elasto Mania\lgr\lgrdk10.
Part III: Read the ReadmeDK.txt file of the DK (included in the lgrdk10.zip too) through carefully. Even without reading that file you can still complete this tutorial but if you want to create much more marvellous lgrs you really have to read it.
Part IV: Open one of the .pcx files (for example barrel.pcx) with some image editing program such as Paint Shop Pro.
Part V: Now use your imagination and modify the picture like you want (the size of the picture is possible to be changed).
Part VI: Overwrite (=save) the original file with your new picture.
Part VII: Run make_lgr.exe to create noname.lgr file. Rename it to whatever.lgr (maximum 8 letters + .lgr) or just Default.lgr and copy it to your Elasto Mania's lgr subdirectory (C:\Elasto Mania\lgr\ in this case).
Part VIIIa: If the name of your lgr was Default.lgr it should replace the original one. Then start Elma and select some level (like Uphill Battle or Labyrinth Pro) and you should see your modified picture there. If not, go to back Part I.
Part VIIIb: If the name of your lgr was whatever.lgr you cannot see it in the internal levels unless you make lgrlist.txt file (more info in ReadmeDK.txt). When making some own level(s) you can define which lgr file the level will use, there you can use whatever.lgr name.

General info partly based on readme.txt.

The list

Last updated: 25 October 2004

Name Author Used progs Rating
Across Tuska PSP 5.02 88 pts
Already missing Across? Or at least graphics of Across? If the answer is yes, download this lgr. Many people use it as the default lgr. It's dedicated to the Across veterans. No futile pics or other rubbish there, just good old Across textures and objects. Across is back! -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Blue ciph ? 45 pts
This is my first lgr, and I know that it isn't very-very good. -ciph

Well, it's quite simple indeed but not bad. Word "blue" describes this one quite thoroughly. -px
Name Author Used progs Rating
Bugman Olliz Corel Photopaint 7.4 77 pts
You are the evil Bugman driving in a world full of insects and plants. -Olliz

A very awesome adventure lgr. Try bugman lgr levels. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Canada ciph & S2H PSP 6.0 67 pts
We made this lgr because we thought it would be a good way to show the world what Canada represents. The theme of this lgr is not yet decided although it could be described as "Funky". The objects are all changed either competely or just the colours. We are very proud of the biker that comes with Canada.lgr. It took us a great deal of time to master his intreaging design. -ciph, S2H
Name Author Used progs Rating
Cartoon Nemo2 PS 6 70 pts
This LGR makes Elma look like a cartoon. The LGR has a second sky and everything but the biker is remade from scratch or redone. The legend of Zelda TWW partly inspired me to make the LGR. You might even say that some objcets are cel-shaded :-P. -Nemo2

Very nice looking LGR, too bad the unchanged bike ruins it. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Clown The Crazy Monkey PS 7, MS Photo Editor, MS Paint 85 pts
This is an LGR which the mean theme is Christmas. You can also choose between two motor drivers: the colourful clown and the thin stupid mime. Theyre driving a silly mobylette. Therere a lot of new pictures. Download it if you feel sad today :). -The Crazy Monkey

Nice theme and pictures, nothing bad to say about it. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Captain Haddock Bu Photoshop 7 70 pts
Taken from the comics "Tintin", the Captain Haddock is never happy! But on his favorite moto... -Bu

Haddock and his bike looks awesome, too bad there's just one texture and a not so good looking sky. Still a pretty decent LGR. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Carmageddon Splat Pack Kalle the Kalu Photoshop 5.0 51 pts
The lgr is based on a game called Carmageddon (as if you didn't already guess it). A lot of modified pictures and other stuff, but it isn't a good lgr for hoyling. Anyway, it's worth trying and especially for fans of Carmageddon the game. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Cemetery Tuska PSP 5.02, Photoshop 5.0, 3DS MAX 3, Poser 4.0 91 pts
The subject of this lgr is cemetery theme as you probably guessed. There are a few different tombstones, skeleton driver, crypts, crosses, skulls and a cat. All pictures have been modified, also all textures have been changed like objects too. Only second bike, killers and apples are original. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
The Chocolate Boy Hank The Tank Photoshop 6.01, Eye Candy 4000, 3DS MAX 3.1 88 pts
I think it was about time someone released a quality skin for Elasto Mainia. This is my first skin for elma, you are the Chocolate Boy who collects Chocolate Balls instead of apples. -Hank The Tank

Quite of a quality product. -px
Name Author Used progs Rating
Default Balázs Photo Styler 2.0 and Image Alchemy 1.8 84 pts
You haven't heard about this, this one is a veeery rare, new and surprising lgr. Nobody has seen it before we published it. The author is some Balázs (who?!). Anyway, none of the pics, textures or objects have been modified, all of them are like original ones. The theme is some kinda comic fairytale forest with boxes and red girders. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Duke LukL PS 5, MS Paint 90 pts
This is a remake from Duke Nukem for Elastomania. -LukL

Great LGR with Duke Nukem theme, you'll surely enjoy it if you've played and liked Duke Nukem before. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Eiskis Eiskis PSP 4 40 pts
The rider is just a sticky guy with a jetback, and two tyres. It's night, and there are something fishy going on in the sky. I haven't modified every little detail. -Eiskis

Cute. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Ekros LukL PS 5, MS Paint 55 pts
This is Elastomania with new pictures and new textures. -LukL

Very nice sky and texture changes. Not much else. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Elma Woman Fortunez PhotoShop 5.0, Gif Movie Gear 6.2, 3DSMax 3.1 43 pts
It´s a Finnish girl. She drives a cool bike. The theme is Finland... -Fortunez

Sweet objects but pictures are ugly. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Elma 2 LukL PS 5, MS Paint 50 pts
This is a new Elastomania. -LukL

Basic texture changes and new colors for kuski. Good change from default LGR if you feel tired of the colors. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Frame Kalle the Kalu Photoshop 5.0 55 pts
A little bit modified Default.lgr: Frame.lgr. Pictures, objects and bikes are new ones but textures are original. Actually pictures and objects are just framed versions of the original ones. Pretty cool though it is again everyone-can-do lgr. No offence for the author. Worth testing at least. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Frotzy Fortunez Xara 3d 4, photoshop 5.0, GifMovieGear 78 pts
The Kuski is driving in a Frozen world. A lot of snow and ice, hrrrr... so cold. Watch out slippering. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Ghosty 3D Sulo 3D Studio Max R3, Paint Shop Pro 7 82 pts
This is the first lgr that I've ever made. I made this, because the original graphics were too colorful and bright. I think these are like new generation graphics for the original game. The biker was a problem at first, but then I decided to play with the transparent color... It doesn't really fit in the other graphics, but it's a neat trick, isn't it? -Sulo

All pictures changed, nice textures and very cool apples. Too bad the biker kinda ruins the LGR :\ -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
HighQ Lucian Photoshop 7.0 85 pts
It isn't really a new one, it's just an improved default-lgr. First: All plants, trees, etc. have been removed – everything that distract you from hoyling. Second: The color-pallete has been changed - the skies are clear and look much better. -Lucian

Like it says, default lgr, just in high quality with blurred sky and with no pictures. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Kraazeh MarxOnly Photoshop 5.5 56 pts
I made this lgr with some animals and crazy smilies just for the heck of it. Changed the food and the flower to some kraazeh blobs and lines. The bikers are Klownish and looks kinda stupid :/. I like my sky, ground and brick better than the original though. Used mostly light colours so stuff is easy to see. -MarxOnly
Name Author Used progs Rating
Lego goliath Micrografx Simply 3D 2, Micrografx Picture Publisher, Hewlett-Packard Digital Imaging 70 pts
This is the first LGR I have made so far. I came up with this idea a while ago, but I had a lot of trouble getting everything to work right. After writing to Balazs a few times I finally fixed my mistakes. I think it looks good now. The flower and the apples are colorful Lego blocks (10 of them, in different colors) that I made with a 3D-program, but everything else is made out of Lego pieces I scanned. I took a lot of work, but it was worth it ;-). -goliath

Anyone that has grown up with Lego can appreciate this one to some extent I think. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
McDonalds Narvuntien Corel Photohouse, MS Paint 35 pts
Do not play with this igr when hungry. It is of a McDonalds theme. With meat patty grass, tasty treats for trees, Ronald and The Hamburgular on the bikes and the golden arches everywhere. Be careful not to get supersized, while eating chips instead of apples. Watch out for rotating clown heads and exit at the appropriate place. Maybe Get a friend and fight for the cheeseburger in flag tag. -Narvuntien

Not much to say about this, average LGR, not very playable. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Moto Tony PSP 8, MS Paint 40 pts
The Biker and his bike are black and grey striped. I thought the apple and flower was a little fruity so I changed the apple to a gas can and the flower to a wrench so it fits the motocross theme a little better then a pretty flower. I changed the sky to some clouds that I think look pretty nice. -Tony

Fairly ok LGR, not the biggest changes. Could have spent some more time making the pictures for apple and flower look better. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Nice Textures Yah Photoshop, Lightwave, IrfanView 95 pts
Just a nice looking texture set... I tried to avoid radioactive colours, just to be a bit different =] Basically same sort of theme as the original Elasto graphics, but a bit easier to look at, hopefully. -Yah

A real nice LGR here, all pictures has been modified except the biker itself. Really great looking textures and pics. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
The Night of Horror Krypton Ulead Video Studio IE, PSP 6, Anim. Shop 2, Xara 3D 3 92 pts
You are driving at night with skeletons, monsters, and other horrifying things. Two kuskis available, Freezeman and Flameman. There are lots of textures and tons of extra pictures... Get ready for a real horror!. -Krypton

The Night of Horror lgr is levelmakers' biggest dream because of so many cool pictures. So it's about time to create some new lgr levels. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Nightdriver Krypton Video studio IE 61 pts
You're driving at night with new textures, some changed pictures and old objects. Basic background is cool: dark sky with white stars. If the author had made more own pictures and objects then this lgr would have been one the best.. If you like Default.lgr's pictures and want to get new textures (and bikes) then the choice of yours is Nightdriver. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Nitro LukL PS 5, MS Paint 60 pts
This is completely new bike to Elastomania and new textures. -LukL

Lovely textures and some new pics. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
No Theme Al PSP 7 30 pts
My very first lgr. It has no specific theme and it is quite simple. -Al

Red sky, blue apples and glowing pictures all causes a scary experience. Perhaps if you like to torture your eyes, download it. A few pictures added. Nice brick texture at least. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Offensive Mcfryed PSP 7 45 pts
I got bored one day and decided to change the look of the bike and rider, only to decide to use Hitler as the driver. After a while I decided to take it up a step with the nazi theme. This file is NOT meant to be taken seriously. It's just one of those things that people see and say "What the hell, is that Adolf riding a motorcycle?" -Mcfryed

Rather funny LGR, too bad everything is so low quality, it's just ugly in the end. With some more work this could have been a quite good LGR. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Pirate Ville_J PS 8, Lightwave 95 pts
This lgr is about driving on a pirate ship. You have to collect different colored gemstones, and then get to the end. I've drawn all the pics and animations myself, not any ripping tolerated :) Lgr is made for my Pirate lev, you can't use it as default because pics are named differently etc. Also making your own levs might be a bit hard, but not impossible. -Ville_J

Doesn't get much better than this. Also be sure to check out the pirate level Ville J has made here. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Q3 Arena Filou Photoshop 5.5, Anim. Shop (PSP 5) 69 pts
Q3Arena lgr file is based, of course, on Quake3 Arena and Q3 Fortress. File is for all the quakers out there. Textures, objects and almost all of pictures have been modified. Even two different drivers (bikes are the same ones)! Cool textures at least. A must for all Quake fans, and why not for others too. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Retro Krypton Video Studio IE 31 pts
Very simple retro graphics (beautiful and weird at the same time). Works very fast. All pictures, textures and objects have been modified from Default.lgr's pictures. It didn't demand too much time or work for creator to make this, I think. Anyway it's certainly worth testing. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Shade Markku Photoshop 5.0 68 pts
This is the first real lgr I´ve made, and therefore some of its pictures may be not-so-perfect. When I started making this one, I didn´t have any certain theme on my mind, so the pictures don´t steer any specific course. Almost everything has been modified apart from the grass. There are four new pictures (up, down, left and right arrows). If you do gravity levels with this lgr, you can put arrows next to apples to point the new direction of gravity. Like this the players can see which effect each apple has. -Markku
Name Author Used progs Rating
Shiny Uzi adobe photoshop 6.0 68 pts
The driver is named Micko. The first bike is Micko's "weekends" bike. As you can see he is wearing his casual clothes. The second bike is Micko's *very* proffesional bike -Uzi

Nicer looking sky, just some color changes to most textures and pics. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Simple KierovNick ? 30 pts
I´ve made this LGR cause of all others LGR´s. It pissed me off when i drive behind something makes me see nothing... Here`s everything seeable. I leave only grass, but grass dont bother in game. -KierovNick

Nice LGR for those who don't like pictures but still wants grass. Biker, apples and flower are all cut down to the bare minimum so you can see more easily how close you can get head to walls etc. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Simpsons Shorty PSP 5.0 58 pts
I made this skin because i LOVE the Simpsons! - like everybody does. I have changed about everything. I made two bikers: Bart and Homer! -Shorty
Name Author Used progs Rating
Strongbad HAYDNATOR MS Photo Editor, MS Paint 40 pts
I made this one as a tribute to the very funny website of www.homestarrunner.com (check out the sb emails… LOL!). You will probably have to watch a few sb emails before you understand the true humour of this lgr. -HAYDNATOR

For true Strongbad fans only I think, not the prettiest LGR to play with. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Style MTB_Ace Photoshop 5.5 75 pts
When I first upgraded from Action Supercross to Elasto Mania, I was a little disappointed with the bikers included. They seemed a little too tame. So I set to work on a new rider for myself. Later on I made another biker to go with the first one, and liked it, too. This lgr is the improved version, including both riders. The riders are not made after any particular theme; they're just that I thought would look good. -MTB_Ace

So, if you like the Default.lgr but think that its bike sucks then this is the choice for you. The bike and the rider really do look nice. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Sumo Kalle the Kalu Photoshop 5.5, Anim. Shop 2 28 pts
Sumo.lgr is based on Hyppy Heikkis' sumo wrestling. Again one of those everyone-can-do lgrs. The lgr is dedicated to fans of that Hyppy Heikki's sumo wrestling game. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Trinity M prod Paint Shop Pro 7.0 86 pts
An amazing lgr for external levels, dont use this one with Internals. This one is a little bit different than others. Download the lgr and this lgr level and you see what I mean. The theme of this lgr is The Matrix. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
Ugly Fortunez ? 72 pts
Should be ugly? Well, you didn't succeed in that :) This is an ok one.
Name Author Used progs Rating
Underwater Narvuntien Corel Photohouse, MS Paint 25 pts
This is my first Igr. It is an underwater theme. Most of the pictures and objects have been changed to coral or seaweed. The elasto guy has a green and blue wetsuit with a oxygen tank. Bike's wheels have been modified to look like fins and look cool when they spin. It isn't the best LGR but It is better than some of the ones you have that you have available to be downloaded, I made it in a day. -Narvuntien

Quite the ugly spectacle here, seems the author tried to find the most pixelated sky he could, and a lot of the pictures has stray pixels. Sorry, but not very good. -skint0r
Name Author Used progs Rating
Vertical Elastomania Latexi PSP 5 46 pts
I have seen the movie and it was so good that I decided to make it to Elastomania. Lgr was made in one day so it has poor graphics but it is worth a try. -Latexi

Not much changed stuff. -Abula
Name Author Used progs Rating
EXC XR John2 PSP 7 35 pts
I tried Elasto Mania and because I'm not such a good player, I decided to spend time creating my own LGR. It is identical to the nice standard one, except but the motorbikes. I replaced them by real ones (well, as much as I could): a two stroke KTM and a four stroke Honda. -John2

Like the author said, only bikes changed. Not the most beautiful ones, but the second bike looks quite ok. Changes in palette causes fewer colors for all the other pics though, which is noticable when playing. -skint0r


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Lgr is a file type containing Elma graphics. It's possible to edit. To get new graphics download some lgr (press image), rename it to default.lgr and put to lgr folder. There may occur problems when using DK under Windows XP or 2000.