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Tuesday, 19. February 2002

New server at 15:59 UTC by Abula

Yeap, we finally got fed up with our former service provider and decided to move The Moposite to Sigmatic. It is much cheaper, we'll get everything work properly, for we can use for example PHP4 and MySQL database solutions. Also we have now lots of more space and a proper domain service. We did very thorough-going search and comparison between the choices available, this one was certainly the best.

Our emails have been changed to abula fr0m moposite bDOTb com and pexi aFROMa moposite d0t com. Former mails don't work anymore.

What new?
  • php format, check links page and you see its possibilities >>
  • Team of year 2001 poll in main page (Dz gave the idea)
  • mrickx started to update WR statistics, more and often
  • Wcup total points page is new, it's not ready though, EML is working for it >>
  • Stupid javascripts removed in funny recs/internal contests and links page
  • MopoVote #5 by BarTek
  • Kuskilist is closed for a while
  • 4 new articles by BarTek >>
  • Level designers in Wcup1 and 2k
  • More accurate list of Moposite staff in General info, who did I forget? >>
  • Illegality section updated >>
  • New versions? -page updated too >>
  • FAQ updated
  • Jeppe's interview added >>
  • Olp totals updated, Trabi: you're welcome
  • Wcup page has a little improvement in design
  • 1337 browser bar in IE 5.5 or higher
New linkpage, psy helped us by reviewing some of them. Thanks to Mick, skint0r and especially tura who did very big job with coding. You can sort the link page by name order, best design points order, last updated order etc, give a look. All servers don't support the last updated information so that's why there is Not available text in some links. And notice that the script checks the header of your main page. Only the edits in the main page the script notices as changes. Also it isn't able to handle cjb.net redirects for example, you can change your address here. The script isn't perfect, I know, but there're no better ways to do this (at least not for our skills :]). ps. extra.hu is too slow here (can't even open the page), change the server if possible.

Mopobattles will start at the earliest in 5-6 weeks. Sad but true but I haven't found anyone to arrange these and I myself don't have time now. Battle results will be updated later. MGen is working for them.

Level of Month results done. The compo was success and the levels have quality. The top3 was Xhomaz, ZenitH and BarTek. There were three rates (me, psy and Sathy; in the future they will be alternating) that the final results would be possible fair. I added more rules there, read them>>

Lost internals have been updated too. Miguel was the first under 54 minutes in totals. ZeiZei is also taking his place. EML has the most records and IHT is the best Lost team. The next lost update is on 24th Feb at 18:00 EET. >>

Send in your totals, I'll update them with replays and Lev pack records someday quite s00n.

moposite.com domain doesn't work properly, some errors can be occur in a few days, same with mails. Don't worry, I'll inform later.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium

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Date: 27. Oct 2024
Time: 4:42 UTC

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