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Saturday, 9. February 2019

WRs #402 at 3:12 UTC by px

Five new WRs! Apologies for the delay in updating, we'll try to update the table at least once per month from now on.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High

Comments (3)

#1 at 6:42 UTC - 9. Feb 2019 by ArZeNiK

ultraepic wrs gz to all wrers again especially spef

#2 at 8:58 UTC - 9. Feb 2019 by Schumi

it's fun that yesterday i had very nostalgic feeling by finding the most significant wrs in the past (Apple Harvest 1 round, Tricks cut by slix, Ramp Frenzy, Quick Round brutal, Freefall)
i believe new Tricks WR belongs to this elite group of WRs, making the level one of the most epic in elasto mania history

#3 at 22:51 UTC - 12. Feb 2019 by BlaZtek

Wow, sik sik sik improvment! Crazy that we still can have that after all these years!



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