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Sunday, 10. April 2011

Mastercup 3 is starting at 17:14 UTC by zebra

Mastercup 3 is finally starting. The first level will be released tomorrow at 21.00 EEST. There will be totally 12 events of which you have to skip 2. There won't be pipe levels but hopefully good fight between top players :)

Our original idea was to arrange it with EOL, but EOL isn't ready yet and we don't want to wait anymore, so we arrange it using Kopaka's Cup Source. The good thing is that you can play offline like in previous cups.

All other info you can find from the mastercup 3 official website:

We hope you enjoy the cup :)

Team TAP

Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium

Comments (1)

#1 at 16:08 UTC - 12. Apr 2011 by jonsta




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