Congratz, axxu :)
grats axxu & NASCAR. GJ :* <3
"The last event was won by A.K.B. [EA] who rose to 2nd place" huh???
Anyway, grats to winners and thnx to organizers
AKB, you really proved yourself worthy. Your nick sucks, but you can't have everything!
and one more thing, A.K.B has done really nice job with this cup, this was DESERVED win imo. Grats!!1
What about Mopobattles now?
ez Mopobattles but not for fakin cheaters :*
So, good for me.
yeah, i should arrange some mopobattles again, but dunno when... maybe in january.
Nice zebra, good job.
i'm so missing mopoballes latly.. hope to see them soon enough
yeah, come on mopobulles :*
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