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Friday, 1. December 2006

[MC2] Mastercup 2 is over at 22:19 UTC by zebra

Mastercup 2 is over and it was won by axxu and his team NASCAR.
2nd was Raven [LBT] and 3rd Sick Mambo [StockCar].

The last event was won by A.K.B. [EA] who rose to 4th place his team being 2nd. Congratulations all winners.

See details here: http://koti.mbnet.fi/mc2/

Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium

Comments (12)

#1 at 22:38 UTC - 1. Dec 2006 by ZeCone

Congratz, axxu :)

#2 at 10:54 UTC - 2. Dec 2006 by Raven

grats axxu & NASCAR. GJ :* <3

#3 at 15:35 UTC - 2. Dec 2006 by Karlis

"The last event was won by A.K.B. [EA] who rose to 2nd place" huh???

Anyway, grats to winners and thnx to organizers

#4 at 17:14 UTC - 2. Dec 2006 by teajay

AKB, you really proved yourself worthy. Your nick sucks, but you can't have everything!

#5 at 1:22 UTC - 3. Dec 2006 by Raven

and one more thing, A.K.B has done really nice job with this cup, this was DESERVED win imo. Grats!!1

#6 at 13:30 UTC - 5. Dec 2006 by Sla

What about Mopobattles now?

#7 at 14:34 UTC - 5. Dec 2006 by OtorK

ez Mopobattles but not for fakin cheaters :*

#8 at 15:40 UTC - 5. Dec 2006 by Sla

So, good for me.

#9 at 21:03 UTC - 5. Dec 2006 by zebra

yeah, i should arrange some mopobattles again, but dunno when... maybe in january.

#10 at 22:35 UTC - 5. Dec 2006 by Sla

Nice zebra, good job.

#11 at 6:03 UTC - 8. Dec 2006 by Kestas

i'm so missing mopoballes latly.. hope to see them soon enough

#12 at 15:19 UTC - 8. Dec 2006 by Raven

yeah, come on mopobulles :*



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