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Tuesday, 4. September 2001

Two articles at 19:56 UTC by Abula

rQ-E% and Ambulance wrote very interesting articles, check out them >> Also I updated Illegality section, again. I know that section is a bit dubios but I still guess it has more positive than negative effects to Elma community. Keep ondiscussing in Mopolauta >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 3. September 2001

Another wallpaper by Sjekkie at 19:56 UTC by Abula

Check out the same place >>

ps. I have archived those wallpapers to Stuff --> Pictures --> Gallery 4

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

SEC and New wallpaper at 19:12 UTC by Abula

Sjekkie has made nice Elma wallpaper. Get it from PopCorn site (there is one very awesome contest too) >>

SEC cup has begun. Seems like it has some quality too >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 2. September 2001

lgr levels at 11:25 UTC by Abula

New lgr level by Olliz. Jalli [FBE] drove 14 new lgr level records, grats.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 1. September 2001

About lgrs at 21:11 UTC by Abula

I have gotten many lgrs via email but none of them haven't been worth uploading. Usually people have made only one own bike and a few textures. It would be much nicer to see full modified lgrs. You should have a good and personal theme. I know that making those not-uploaded lgrs have taken time..but sorry, I want some quality.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sites dedicated to one country at 19:15 UTC by Abula

It's time to list all Elma sites which are dedicated to some country.
  • Czech >>
  • Czech #2 >>
  • Danish >>
  • Hungarian >>
  • Norwegian>>
  • Polish >>
  • Swedish >>
Please inform me if there are more.

Other links are updated too. I wanted pick one: Total times places 101-150. So if your total isn't good enough to get Moposite's Top100 total list, you have two possibilities. Improve your times or go to The Landlord Team site. They have the list for 101-150 totals but alsoa major internal vote. Check out.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Elma Girls at 18:25 UTC by Abula

So far I have noticed 4 girls/women playing Elma: mr's little sister (born 1990 or something), MUe's mom (?), some girl from Stockholm (at least some girl was in Elmakuskit list) and TonyLee's (girl?)friend, called NJU. NJU has even finished all internals (total is a little bit over one hour), has had some success in league and made at least one external (download here). Be sure that the lev file is named tonysway.lev in your lev directory. Best time of that lev is 56,28. Go to TonyLee's page if you want to have the record. You can see a lot of real pictures of czech elmakuskis in TonyLee's site, even the picture of NJU =) >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

ciph's interview at 14:41 UTC by Abula

ciph has already written the interview, great. And the lenght, it's the longest interview so far >>

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OLP totals at 14:01 UTC by Abula

The first OLP totals update. New leader etc. >>

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Elma totals at 12:50 UTC by Abula

We have a new leader in the Total times list. Many other improvements too, like TomCat's rise from 43rd to 15th. Mick and ciph did also nice climbs >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 31. August 2001

The kuski of August: ciph at 22:10 UTC by Abula

New vote has been added, the interview of ciph will be available to read later >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

LevStats.exe at 21:40 UTC by Abula

I just wanted to notice the people who haven't so much interest for this site that they would have found LevStats program which makes statistics of external levels. The program is made by CSabi >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Elma CD at 21:05 UTC by Abula

MUe has done nicer and more understandable site for Elma Forever CD >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

lgr Levels at 20:15 UTC by Abula

Xhomaz drove some lgr level records >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

OLP-out at 18:30 UTC by Abula

OLP-out is the levelpack containing the levels which didn't get into the OLP.The zip was corrupted but now it has been fixed>>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

A brand new competition at 13:07 UTC by Abula

2-player cup has been started (hosted by rickster) >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 30. August 2001

Get Elma Forever CD for free at 18:30 UTC by Abula

MUe did it again :). Now everyone can get the Elma Forever CD (and Elma Crime) for free. >>

Also hungarian fellow kuskis had a nice Elma party a few weeks ago >> I put the info later to Moposite.

Also I recommend to check out one topic in Mopolauta >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 29. August 2001

Lotsa new recs at 16:15 UTC by Abula

Elma Internal Replays has been updated, enjoy >> More good replays you can download here. The driver is Atte.

Also I added more stuff to Illegality section.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

ST-Crossers at 16:15 UTC by Abula

Go and see what a good team page should be like >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 28. August 2001

Some small adjusting at 21:50 UTC by Abula

Search is removed. Two reasons for doing that: it would have been meaningless and I didn't get it to work with more than 100 files (Moposite has 1265 files now). Articles section has been moved under stuff section, try to find it. MagnusB wrote the first Elma article! Go, read and do better if you can >>

I made a major renewal in Elmakuskit section. Now only the best and the most famous kuskis get there. Sorry for rookies :/. This time I have three reasons. The first one: there was too much work for me to add those million kuskis. The second: there were a few fake ones, some idiots had added fake kuskis and given me a nice job (not funny). And the third one: many people start to play Elma and after a few months they will retire. In that two months period they have filled the kuski form and those unknow weird kuskis have appeared to the list. No one (in elma scene) needs their info.

I found a few links, check them out if you have nothing else to do 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0


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