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Friday, 25. January 2002

Dz the fastest at 20:15 UTC by Abula

It took 3h and 4minutes for him to download the levels, finish them all and send them back to me. He was the first, the fastests and the best. Grats!

Dz's great total is 1:14:34,81. Thus he broke 75 mins limit. Who will be the first under 74 mins? Keep on hoyling.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Lost Internals finally here! at 17:00 UTC by Abula

Read BarTek's greetings and check Lost Internal page >>

Or maybe you just want to hoyl >>

Who gets the first total, all levels finished. The first who send all 54 levels with total time gets his credits. Also who will be the first under one hour, 59mins and so on. Keep on playing and sending records in. Read mailing instructions from Lost Internals page >>

Deadline of sending in records to table #02 is 18:00 EET 26th day of this month. Simply: after 24 hours, tomorrow at the same time. I'll update the table a few hours after the deadline.

55th level is just for fun, not included in total compo.<br /><br />I won't count these records to Kinglist now. Just a bit later when record beating gets calmed.

BarTek made the levs, px wrote the story, Abula made the lists and you hoyl.

Take a conversation on Mopolauta about the compo and the levels >>

Next the word is BarTek's:
Yowsa! I [BarTek] have dedicated my last time making the "Lost Internals".

This has taken me over 4 months and now they are done (wheee). I did this for three reasons:

  1. I wanted to tribute elmascene something good.
  2. I was looking for a ultimate levelmaking challange.
  3. I wanted to keep the Internal-Style alive.
For a half-year ago i felt that the original Internals [1-54] were gettin boring and hoyled to the maximum. Therefore i wanted to offer players new fresch un-hoyled levels which they could start to play. The main idea of these levels is to offer players levels with the same kinda design and feeling as the original internals but with new routes, in other words - copies of the original levels but with new driveways.

For example if you loved playing Jaws once but lost interest cuz you already hoyled it to maximum, then you probably love the Lost Internal version. It offers the same kinda drive feelin and design as the original but this one has a completely different drive route. This means you can start finding NEW cheatpaths and tricks on a level that feels the same as in the original balaz version. I want to thank Abula for letting me design these levels for moposite. Abula also came up with 70% of all the level-names (re-spect) and suggested some small changes to the levels. Also a big thank to ciph´s mom for making me in a good moud every friday night before i go to sleep >:) I hope these level will be a interest to most players and remember that they are a salute to the real internals. I wish you all the very best and have a good hoyling spree:) Now download them or i´ll kick you ass>:P

Written by: BarTek the ElmaEntertainer aka Dj-Kuski [mE iZ]

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 24. January 2002

Bad news at 17:12 UTC by Abula

I needed help from three person. MUe and px did their parts but BarTek disappered. He said I'm not allowed to release the levels without his permission. And as you can guess I haven't seen him in last 24 hours. BarTek, mail me as soon as possible, please.

Everything is ready, Im just waiting for BarTek. Hopefully he'll contact me in next 24 hours. So the next try for releasing stuff is tomorrow same time. I'm sorry. Don't kill us.

While waiting you can read some info from the Lost Internals page >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 23. January 2002

They're coming at 17:00 UTC by Abula

In 24 hours, tomorrow at 18:00 EET Lost Internals will be released!

Be here and win the compo of the fastest total warrior. More info tomorrow.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 20. January 2002

Problems at 15:55 UTC by Abula

Have you had problems to send mails us? You could try to use punahai at saunalahti cDOTc fi address instead of abula at moposite aDOTa com.

I'm having much work in school these days but after a week I'm back in business, maybe even earlier. Lost (ghost) Internals will be published s00n with some small competitions like who can finish all Lost Internals quickest. Also the first kuski under one hour, 59 mins, 58 mins etc. Searching secret areas could be one compo too. I'm going to inform more later.

PS. Contest section is next to update, sorry my lazyness :/.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 17. January 2002

Lists updates at 11:40 UTC by px

A couple of new WRs again. TomCat from TEA run his first ever WR, at Islands in the Sky, beating Jeppe with 10 hundredths. A bit greater was the improvement in Tricks Abound, this nowadays quite unseen amount of 2,24 seconds was taken off by slix from swos, he also made his way to the list for the first time. At OLP tracks, ZenitH improved the record at Dunes a bit.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 10. January 2002

FIN pages updated at 21:46 UTC by px

Must be _very_ interesting.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Some minor WR lists updates at 4:17 UTC by px

Yeap, the army is finally over and I should have more time to spend on this site, we'll see what will happen, for I doubt that the laziness I learned there is to stay :) Anyway, I have at last updated Across, Elma and OLP WRs. Enjoy.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 9. January 2002

Dz interview at 23:01 UTC by Abula

Read it >>

Moposite got some sponsors, visit their sites (right bottom).

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 5. January 2002

setadpu at 16:45 UTC by px

Some updates: New lists on Across World Records and Finnish Records, also some new links were added and some fixed... etc.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 27. December 2001

Hurry up with the forecast at 22:50 UTC by Abula

skint0r, psy, Kumiorava, mr, MUe, IRK and klisse has sent in the forecast so far. More is needed. You will be pissed of when the first checking date comes if you haven't taken part, believe me =].

Forecast FAQ:

It is so long....
Copy my forecast and edit it, much faster in that way.

I have no idea about numbers of lgrs thing, wtf is Hoyla Mission?!
Read above or check current situation, thoses hould help.

What's the advantage of doing this?
You could think what's the advantage of playing Elma? Maybe it isn't funny to do the forecast now (it is) but after a year or so it will give much joy. You can compete with other kuskis and you even don't have to hoyl like hell. The more competitors there are the better the competition is so eventhough you're not so interested in this you can still participate and give joy for others.

No one plays Elma in 2006.
Maybe, maybe not. At least Moposite will be online next 50 years. People have played Across / Elma for five years so why not next five years too? And on the first checking date most kuskis are playing, that's sure.

Balazs will make Elma 2.0, what's then?
We will think what to do if this miracle happen.

I'm so lazy, this is impossible much work for me.
Hey, it's time to beat yourself, you can do it!

More info >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

HTML contest at 21:45 UTC by Abula

Bored? Maybe you could try HTML contest where your rotations are limited or even forbidden. Read more >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Elmakuskit at 21:30 UTC by Abula

Updated. >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

lgr levels at 17:33 UTC by Abula

rulF and Luther on air >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 26. December 2001

Ghost Internals at 4:30 UTC by Abula

Who has the best times in proto levs? Share you times on mopolauta >>

And remember that those are just proto levels and they will be edited so you have to redrive the times.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Internal recs at 3:30 UTC by Abula

Whee. Both Elma and Across replay sections have been updated, check out pajen's recs! >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Phunnieh recs at 1:10 UTC by Abula

are updated. >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 25. December 2001

Shareware levels at 0:47 UTC by Abula

The most important section of Moposite has been updated >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 24. December 2001

It's a party time at 15:47 UTC by Abula

We wish you Merry and Hoylable Christmas!

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 23. December 2001

New sections at 12:27 UTC by Abula

Two new sections on Moposite will start quite soon: Level of Month and Ghost Internals. Those are great new compos, even better that Elma Forecast :P.

Level of Month
You have one month time to design a level using Defaul.lgr. The trick of this competition isthat there will be a theme for every month which you have to include to the level somehow. A few examples of themes could be jungle, guns, traffic and so on. Levels will be rated by Moposite Crew and the best three levels get points. All levels will be published.

There haven't been many level designing compos so far that I could think, wonder and hope this one is a good try. The more people take part in the better the compo is so be sure you'll be here after New Year. Who is the best level designer out there? At last we can check it.<br /><br />More >>

Ghost Internals
When making Internals Csaba (Balazs's brother) designed two different version of each internal. He chose 54 levels and put them to Elma. The rest 54 levels he lost to his computer's depth. But now the lost levels are found and will be released on Moposite. As you can guess they are very Internal stylish.

Seriously: above scenario could be true but actually BarTek is making 54 Ghost Internals. He is doing a good job and now it's our turn to get people to play them. The more kuskis play the better competition it is. I've heard that the best players will play them like psy, Jeppe and Dz to mention just a few. This contest is like OLP but the levels are more Internal stylish and the contest is under Moposite's Kinglist. There will be a total competition too, of course.

To understand the quality of the levels take a look at these three proto levels.

Can you beat my times? The whole level pack will be published a bit later.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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