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Tuesday, 18. April 2006

Target List version 1.3 FINAL at 14:58 UTC by Luther

Finally a complete update of the old Target List. With discussions and help from several kuskis (mentioned within the new Target List) we managed to improve some of the Target Times.

Note that the levels that have changed Target Times have been marked with an *

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 16. April 2006

[Mopo Corner] Kon Quest close to it's end at 20:56 UTC by MP

The normal rounds are done and there is now one week left before the final standings. Ten best times in every level get points. Check the current standings and find out more info: www.grafopoint.com

Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

WRs at 14:01 UTC by px

No new Elma WRs to be updated.

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 12. April 2006

skintatious rewards at 21:09 UTC by skint0r

In March I added one section to my site called rewards, hated by some and loved by others. Basically it's a page with a list consisting of a few goals set by myself regarding records, which if beaten will earn you certain rewards. There's currently 95€ up for grabs, but don't fool yourself, the current goals aren't too easy to beat. In the feature I hope to add some more interesting prizes besides money.

So far three goals has been beaten: the first one by John, the second by ANpDaD, and earlier today the third one was beaten by Markku.

Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

123rd mopobattle over at 20:58 UTC by Abula

Victory for axxu!


Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

skintatious at 20:40 UTC by skint0r

I figured I should maximize the exposure to my contest, so thanks to Abula for letting me write here. If you're unaware, I recently relaunched my site after having worked on an automatic record submission script for a while, meaning that you don't have to fiddle around with sending replay or level files through mail, but just submit them through a form and it gets automatically added. There's currently somewhere around 400 levels available at my site, ranging from levels made in 3 minutes to bigger ones like the one I made for WCup5.

Check out my site at http://www.skintatious.net/. Please feel free to comment on anything, whether it's bugs or features you'd like to see implemented, on Mopolauta.

Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

123rd mopobattle at 6:21 UTC by zebra

123rd mopobattle today at 22:00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Sunday, 9. April 2006

WRs #238 at 21:54 UTC by px

Six new WRs this time.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Thursday, 6. April 2006

122nd mopobattle over at 20:02 UTC by zebra

122nd mopobattle was won by Ismo, congratulations.

Results, replays and levels


Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Wednesday, 5. April 2006

122nd mopobattle coming at 20:29 UTC by zebra

There will be the 122nd mopobattle in IRCnet on #mopobattle tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.00 EEST (look at Moposite's clock in the left column).

Note that mopobattles are meant for everybody, not just for Finnish people. Especially I would like to see #battle people there. Read rules.

The level is by jallax, and is kinda easy.

Please comment whether I should advertise every mopobattle here, or is it enough that the dates can be seen here.

Mopobattles are usually on Thursdays, but in next week it will be on Wednesday.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

KOM March 2006 at 15:22 UTC by SveinR

The Kuski of Month poll for March 2006 is up, please vote at Mopolauta.

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Minimize left column boxes at 15:05 UTC by Abula

We have coded a possibility to minimize and maximize boxes in the left column. You can do that by clicking the +/- in the heading row. In addition you can set those static in Settings. Personally I find, for instance, Search good to have always minimized.

Ps. we have some problems with Reset to default option in Panel, so don't care about that.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 4. April 2006

Kuski of February 2006 at 20:24 UTC by Abula

Grats Memphis!

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Monday, 3. April 2006

Multi WRs #130 at 21:32 UTC by SveinR

One new multi WR.

Multi WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Records #88 at 17:12 UTC by Abula

Four kuskis (Zweq, John, Luther, xp) out of top5 improved their total times! Also Tm entered 38mins and Karesz 39mins club.

About five weeks since last update. That's mainly because Paprika got published and I didn't have any extra time. In addition people could also play more and send in their times.

Records lists

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Sunday, 2. April 2006

WRs #237 at 20:32 UTC by px

Four new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Saturday, 1. April 2006

User contests category at 22:43 UTC by Abula

We have just decided to create a new category to News: User contests (it's Low priority so it needs to be enabled in Settings). It's a child category of Contests and meant for people who want to write news to Moposite about their own contest (for example because you updated the page or added new levels). Alot of players read the Moposite news so if you wish, you are more than welcome to use this feature, we think it's likely to give contests more players and thus make contests more interesting.

What we require is that your contest is of some quality, and that it's either been running for a while or that you have previously done something similar and have been noticed at some level in the community. And obviously you also have to be able to write English. We also expect that those willing to use this feature will have something to write about more than once in a year.

As with everything, this privilege too comes with responsibility, so if you write off-topic or abuse your right to write, we wont hesitate on taking your privilege away. In extreme cases banning might be considered, but we wish that there will be no need for such measures as this is meant to be for everyones benefit.

If you are willing to try, please mail your nick and url of your contest to help aFROMa moposite bDOTb com. And yes, the contest must be running in your own site.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Friday, 31. March 2006

Elma tattoo at 22:24 UTC by Abula

Elma is my greatest passion and a full-time hobby so why not give some more everlasting appreciation? I haven't heard anyone having an Elma tattoo, so I visited a tattoo artist and took one. I hope I'm the first one (and therefore unique) but if there is someone else with an Elma related tattoo please report.

Take a look at my new tattoo, what do you like? Would be nice to hear comments and opinions... maybe someone else could follow? Maybe a smaller one like killer in shoulder?

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 8

Thursday, 30. March 2006

News filters at 20:12 UTC by Abula

Some instructions of using Base and Temporary filters has been written to FAQ.

The default filters are set to Medium, we assume that most people don't want to read all the not-so-important news. This means that by default the user (you) can't see the Low priority news. To see those news you should change your filters to All - Low in Base filters, on the Settings page. In addition you can override the Base filters by using the Temporary filters (look at the right column).

If you can't change the filters yourself (try again!) just use this link shortcut to see all the news on Moposite. The currently used temporary filters are displayed in a box above the news.

To filter a sub-set of the Base filters' set, uncheck the Disable Base filters. Otherwise don't touch it. Headlines in the left column shows only the Medium priority news, RSS feed includes all.

I hope this cleared a bit, don't hesitate to ask if not. Filters were quite a work to code so would be shame to not use them.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 7

Tuesday, 28. March 2006

Information and Knowledge merge at 20:36 UTC by Abula

Many people found the Information and Knowledge's grouping confusing and in fact I agree. I'm not really sure why it was made like that initially but with a help of MagnusB the menu structure is now reorganized. Hopefully it's more logical this time.

Also there might be some broken links because of this operation, please report them to us unless they are listed in the broken links list.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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Time: 5:43 UTC

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