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Wednesday, 14. March 2007

Mopobattles 156 and 157 over at 20:41 UTC by zebra

Both of them were won by axxu [AC] pretty overwhelmingly, happy birthday.

Mopobattle 156 by noni: level, replay, results
Mopobattle 157 by ScHuMaChEr: level, replay, results
Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Sunday, 11. March 2007

WRs #258 at 22:58 UTC by px

One new WR.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 7. March 2007

Mopobattles 154 and 155 over at 20:52 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 154 by Sla: Winner: axxu [AC]. level, replay, results
Mopobattle 155 by Sla: Winner: The OooO [MAN]. level, replay, results

Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 3. March 2007

Mopobattle 152 and 153 at 20:57 UTC by zebra

Team MAN won both of the mopobattles.

Mopobattle 152 by Rasken: Winner: Munkki [MAN]. level, replay, results
Mopobattle 153 by error [ACE]: Winner: The OooO [MAN]. level, replay, results

Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 28. February 2007

Mopobattles 150 and 151 over at 20:54 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles 150 and 151 were won by 8-ball and axxu, both playing in belma. There were kuskis who saved long rec names. While it's allowed, I think it would be best if in mopobattles you would stick to the old 8 char rec names. Because some are still playing with the ancient elma 1.2 you know.
I'll keep next mopobattles on saturday, be there.

Mopobattle 150 by Sla: Winner: 8-ball [TAP]. level, replay, results
Mopobattle 151 by Rasken: Winner: axxu [AC]. level, replay, results

Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 5

Monday, 26. February 2007

[Kopasite] Secret Area Contest at 21:17 UTC by Kopaka

I have made a new contest on Kopasite. A secret area contest. You upload your replays in which you reach the secret area sign in any of the levels on kopasite. When/if they get accepted they will appear here, where you can see who has found which first and who has found the most secret areas.


Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 21. February 2007

Mopobattle 149 over at 19:55 UTC by zebra

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 18. February 2007

WRs #257 at 21:37 UTC by px

Two new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 5

Wednesday, 14. February 2007

Mopobattle 148 over at 19:44 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 148 was won by jaytea, congratulations.

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Wednesday, 7. February 2007

Mopobattle 147 over at 20:18 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 147 over, winner: talli [EPO] (jp). Thanks all who played, it was a nice battle I think.

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 4

Monday, 5. February 2007

Mopobattle 146 over at 19:44 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 146 over, and the winner was The OooO [MAN], grats.

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Saturday, 3. February 2007

Mopobattle 145 over at 17:01 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 145 over, and it was won by Rasken [LOS]. Next one on monday.

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 31. January 2007

Mopobattle 144 over at 20:12 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 144 over, this time the winner was Staar [AT], congratulations. Next mopobattle on friday.

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Tuesday, 30. January 2007

New nationality at 19:06 UTC by Abula

Bulgarian is added to the nationality list.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Monday, 29. January 2007

Teams section help at 9:14 UTC by Abula

To finish Teams section I need your help.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Sunday, 28. January 2007

WRs at 19:33 UTC by px

No new WRs to be updated.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 26. January 2007

More patches from milagros at 15:59 UTC by zworqy

  • ElmaConf12wide: with this version of the config tool for Elma 1.2 you can get widscreen resolutions
  • Elma Online Beta: with this you can play the multiplayer option of Elma online, read the readme file for installation instructions
Development work can be followed and participated in the New versions forum of Mopolauta. Hopefully all these new things will be added to just one patch, which could be called Elma 1.3.

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Ballelma at 15:54 UTC by zworqy

milagros made a patch for playing Elma levels online. Unlike the eol patch, you cannot play multiplayer, because everyone has their own apples to pick. In Ballelma, you play alone, but you can see everyone else on the same level as you. This creates a whole new experience when for example playing battles. Or your team can invent styles
together in a cup event.

Players are identifiable by different shirts, that are defined by BMP images. The download contains quite a few images, but more can be downloaded from Viper_KillerGuy's page.

Download Ballelma.

Please note that Ballelma is still in early development, it is rather stable now but crashes may occur. There are installation instructions in the bs9_readme.txt file. For now, I am running the only, temporary server so far (IP, may change).

If you are connecting through a router and can't see the other players, you have to make sure that NAT (network address translation) is off, or enable port forwarding. More help.

If you have a Windows and/or Linux server that can be used as a more reliable alternative, please contact milagros. The server program is very small and uses very little memory and CPU, the only thing that needs to be fairly good is the Internet connection.

For some cool sreenshots, visit veezay's site. Some videos.

#ballelma in IRCnet is the irc channel for the competition.

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 7

Thursday, 25. January 2007

New moporator at 15:45 UTC by Abula

Granted axxu for a moporator status. New fresh blood was needed.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Wednesday, 24. January 2007

Mopobattle 143 at 20:09 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 143 over and it was won by 8-ball [TAP] who played the battle in eol/bs9 (elma online/battle server 9), congratulations. Thanks to milagros, battles (and mopobattles) got a new meaning, though online playing isn't recommended yet in mopobattles (please say your comments).

level, replay, results, statistics and coming events

Quite many people had to be banned and removed from the results because they didn't upload their rec, the rec was wrong or they hadn't registered. So please make sure you have read the rules.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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