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Sunday, 9. January 2011

Paprika is ready! at 15:13 UTC by Abula

This is not a joke. We have been working with Kopaka (praise him!) to finally finish Paprika and now we are ready to go. Everything is not ready but we have moved data from old Moposite to Paprika and got new Records system running. Thereby we were also finally able to remove the "temporary" entry page of Moposite. And from this day Paprika can be called Moposite again! Paprika was only a project name of the new Moposite.

So Records section is updated and running. You can go and upload your state.dat. Notice that our system doesn't update the times immediately but once in a week, on every Sunday. WR times are also in the dynamic system but you still have to send the replay file to px that he can verify the time. The system is new and probably full of bugs so please help us to fix them by reporting about the problems in Mopolauta. We are going to merge times from EOL later. Please also check that your team history is correct and if not, report in the Mopolauta topic. Also join your current team if you are not already so the stats will be generated correctly.

Be sure to check out the Seasonal records of 2011.

Besides Records many pages were created very quickly so they contain lots of HTML errors and also data is often out-of-date. We will continue fixing them one-by-one later. But you can of course drop a word in Mopolauta if you think we have missed something.

In addition we dropped some sections out which we thought were low priority and which realistically won't be ever updated anyway: Internal levels contents (those "touch a wall, then drive around the middle blaa blaa"), Multi contests, average times (pretty much because of database limitations) and Moposite in different languages.

The next things to do, after all the found bugs in Records are fixed, will be uploading Stuff material to the site, add EOL to Games section, add some new features to Records and go through the pages one-by-one. Those will take months I guess but after that we will start developing the other sections (Downloads, Contests, Community) of the site.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 12

Sunday, 2. January 2011

WRs #327 at 21:51 UTC by px

First table of the year 2011 presents us two new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 5

Friday, 24. December 2010

Merry Christmas! at 4:09 UTC by px

The Moposite crew wishes all the kuskis great holidays!

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Saturday, 18. December 2010

WRs #326 at 22:55 UTC by px

One new WR

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 10

Monday, 13. December 2010

WRs at 20:57 UTC by px

No new WRs to be updated.

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Sunday, 5. December 2010

WRs #325 at 0:19 UTC by px

One new WR

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Friday, 3. December 2010

Golden Apple Awards 2010 at 23:49 UTC by SveinR

The voting process for the Golden Apple Awards 2010 has begun. Note that you have to make suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote in the Third Step later on.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 1. December 2010

Paprika and Ultimate at 0:26 UTC by Abula

I have some intresting news.

We have been working for a few months with Kopaka to make Paprika ready. I have lowered my original plans a little bit but the result should be good enough when considering the realities. Then we can finally close the OLD and start concentrating on just one site (NEW).

In addition I've been browsing through my own computer, web sites, Mopolauta and other places for Elma stuff. The goal is to make a huge collection of cool Elma stuff (I'm calling it Elma Ultimate) which will be published later, of course. I've collected about 5-6 GB myself (with help of lists and archives made by other people) but now I request for your help. Check out the list of the contents (levels) and if you have something that is missing, please send it to me somehow (IRC, email to abu at moposite com or Mopolauta) and I might add it. Also if you think something shouldn't be included in the collection, please tell me.

While collecting the stuff I discovered many great things people have created during the years I've been inactive. I'm going to write more detailed news of the best ones when more important things are done (Paprika, Elma Ultimate).

My personal deadline for both projects is the end of this year. Let's hope we will make it.

Category: General  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 28. November 2010

WRs #324 at 21:05 UTC by px

Finally not two but three new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 21. November 2010

WRs #323 at 22:13 UTC by px

Two new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Sunday, 14. November 2010

WRs #322 at 22:55 UTC by px

Two new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Sunday, 31. October 2010

WRs #321 at 22:34 UTC by px

Two new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 7

Sunday, 24. October 2010

Multi WRs #149 at 14:59 UTC by SveinR

Two new Multi WRs.

Multi WR table.

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Sunday, 17. October 2010

Multi WRs #148 at 16:06 UTC by SveinR

One new Multi WR.

Multi WR table.

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

WRs #320 at 13:42 UTC by px

Two new WRs, over one second off the total time.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Sunday, 10. October 2010

WRs #319 at 20:45 UTC by px

Three new WRs.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2

Sunday, 26. September 2010

WRs #318 at 20:33 UTC by px

Four new WRs this time.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 19. September 2010

Records #102 at 15:21 UTC by Abula

Hopefully the last update in old system. Zweq is getting closed to John. Seems like only the best players send in their times. Let's hope this will be fixed when updating is done automatically. Great that people keep on improving!

Records #102

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 6

WRs #317 at 11:41 UTC by px

One new WR.

WR table

Category: Records -> Elma  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 5

Saturday, 18. September 2010

#ballelma stats at 20:34 UTC by zebra

Now when EOL is strongly coming and ballelma and belma are dead, I updated my battle statistics for one last time. There are now full #ballelma statistics from years 2007 - 2010. talli was the best player and Mawane the best designer. Congratulations!


Category: Contests -> User contests  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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