Thursday, 9. May 2002
LOM results at 20:07 UTC by Abula
April's results are up. skint0r will take Sathy's place in level ratings (then me, psy and skint0r give the points). Sathy is going to write some texts about the levs in the future
Monday, 6. May 2002
LOM theme at 16:57 UTC by Abula
The theme of this month level compo is Machinery. Last month's results later.
Sunday, 5. May 2002
Totals at 21:32 UTC by Abula
As promised the Elma totals are updated (Olp comes later). MP, magicman, zyntifox, MadMan, IRK, DarMoeD, Trabi and TorInge made nice improvements. But the king of all is dz [REM], he amazingly broke the limit of 40minutes. Congratulations dz!
This is a big day of Elma scene: first personal total under 40mins, we will remember this achievement.
Saturday, 4. May 2002
Totals at 13:40 UTC by Abula
Totals will be updated tomorrow, send in yours
Thursday, 2. May 2002
Links at 21:22 UTC by Abula
A bunch of new links here. Some of them added to Link page.
- INT Top10 has changed the web place >>
- Team y >>
- Team HK >>
- XaViuZ's contests >>
- Finally there's a swedish Elma site, eventhough I'd prefer it in English >>
- Australian Elma page >>
- For russian Elma fans >>
- Chris's levels >>
- TonyLee has redone his site, great one >>
- NoD Elma site >>
- Australian (Mick's) records >>
- Alpha's ElastoMania page >>
- Insane Elma players >>
And remember you can get your link to our link section only by filling the link form.
top10 packs at 17:43 UTC by Abula
MP drove a few records
Wednesday, 1. May 2002
recs at 20:23 UTC by Abula
Tuesday, 30. April 2002
WRs at 11:52 UTC by px
84th EM WR list up.
Sunday, 28. April 2002
homokaasu again at 10:25 UTC by Abula
Hey, stopped clicking? Check the list on right bottom, I'm rising! Or px, Whoo. Check this for more info if you don't understand
MC recos at 9:40 UTC by Abula
Updated a few MC records, even though they are very old.
Elma Crime isn't online anymore. Want some competition, visit JAPS website
Sunday, 21. April 2002
Kinglist at 11:52 UTC by Abula
Contests are updated. Espesially check out the battle between the teams, ReC or IHT? How your team has so bad position? Do something!
Monday, 15. April 2002
Online again at 9:22 UTC by Abula
Elma Crime is online again, mrickx gave the bandwidth (thanks), let's see how much traffic it allows.
Sunday, 14. April 2002
Elma Crime offline at 13:05 UTC by Abula
Elma Crime got 500 hits which took _much_ bandwidth. skint0r's hoster doesn't allow this big amount of traffic. Thus the movie had to put offline, try to get it from somebody at #across or something. Maybe the film will be online when we find new server, contact if you can offer one.
Saturday, 13. April 2002
Elma Crime at 10:35 UTC by Abula
Wouh, Elma Crime is finally available for downloading. We thank Skint0r (for proving web space), MUe and all hungarian actors in the film. Note that the file is almost 400MB so you are really recommended to use some downloading program like getright. If the traffic is too heavy skint0r has to delete the file but we'll see. Enojy
Order the Elma CD and you get the movie in a compact disc with much more Elma stuff without any painful downloading and supporting the scene
Tuesday, 9. April 2002
LOM at 12:05 UTC by Abula
Level of March compo was a success, 28 participaters (because of that this delay of updating). Xhomaz took the victory, 2. and 3. are insena guy and Hemman. Look at the results and great levels
Next month's theme: Water.
ps. earlier lom packs have been downloaded over 6000 times, think the fame =).
Saturday, 6. April 2002
Lists at 19:18 UTC by px
83th Internal WR list up, also the 27th OLP list is out there.
Thursday, 4. April 2002
More to play at 10:25 UTC by Abula
This time the levs are served by team y
Wednesday, 3. April 2002
OLP at 17:20 UTC by px
26th OLP list up.
Something to play at 13:07 UTC by Abula
Voke has made some pretty funny levs, test
Some cup-related thingies at 11:47 UTC by px
Feeling enthusiastic about the next World Cup? Well. I have told few people it's a probable maybe, and asked them to design some levels for it. I still haven't recieved any level suggestions. So, please all of you, start the editor and do your best. Send the levels to

. Neither can I yet announce any opening date for the cup, but the sooner I get good levels, the sooner it will be done. Thank You :).