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Wednesday, 29. August 2001

ST-Crossers at 16:15 UTC by Abula

Go and see what a good team page should be like >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 28. August 2001

Some small adjusting at 21:50 UTC by Abula

Search is removed. Two reasons for doing that: it would have been meaningless and I didn't get it to work with more than 100 files (Moposite has 1265 files now). Articles section has been moved under stuff section, try to find it. MagnusB wrote the first Elma article! Go, read and do better if you can >>

I made a major renewal in Elmakuskit section. Now only the best and the most famous kuskis get there. Sorry for rookies :/. This time I have three reasons. The first one: there was too much work for me to add those million kuskis. The second: there were a few fake ones, some idiots had added fake kuskis and given me a nice job (not funny). And the third one: many people start to play Elma and after a few months they will retire. In that two months period they have filled the kuski form and those unknow weird kuskis have appeared to the list. No one (in elma scene) needs their info.

I found a few links, check them out if you have nothing else to do 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 27. August 2001

PopCorn Psychopaths at 21:40 UTC by Abula

A nice Elma site >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Elma vacation is over at 20:45 UTC by Abula

Finally lgr Levels are updated. There are a lot of very good levels >>

I also added one screenshot of PeXi's blue Elma site to Generel Info.

I have gotten a bit feedback about our site with Netscape and Opera. I know, I know, Moposite sucks very much with them and Im sorry. Anyway you get all needed info from our site, it's just (?) badlooking. Maybe you want to know the reason for this sucking? That Site Navigator it is. 1 of 10 peoples has not IE. Try to understand.

Also I forget to give some credits for a couple of people. So thank you MUe and Ambulance and Totalnew. MUe gave me a lot of stuff from Elma CD, for example OLP-out levels (the levels which didn't get into the OLP) which you can find from Levels --> downloads page. Ambulance and Totalnew because of their site Mini ElMa where I get some replays for Funny Replays section.

Have you seen these? Elmakuski statistics, WR development statistics.

A few new irc rules have been added >>

About Elma League site: this is my opinion and just mine. EML has became tired of this bunch of work and he is spending a small break. And don't blame tura :).

Skint0r made a very cool wallpaper. I really recommend you to go and see >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 26. August 2001

Grammar at 17:40 UTC by Abula

Some grammar fixing has been done, thanks to Jokke. Also I updated Illegality page.lgr levels and elmakuskit will be updated later.

Elma target times have been changed >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Bug report at 14:40 UTC by Abula

Oh, Add, del, edit page had some mistakes but it's working now. Everyone who has used it in two days please do it again. I'm sorry about this.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Perl help at 11:40 UTC by Abula

Some elmakuski must have perl programming skills. Please mail me.<br /><br />Another thing, I have gotten a lot of mails. Most of them are done well but some of them not. I want to remind a few things when writing a mail. Write a good subject, like some replays for elma internals by Abula (not just replay). Also it is very important to tell your nick and time if it's a record what you are sending. Otherwise I will delete your mail. Please read >><br /><br />And people who want some Elma page to be included in Moposite's link section go to >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 25. August 2001

Elma news during offline period at 19:55 UTC by Abula

  • First season of EML is over. Next season will start after a few months.
  • Elmaduel is a pretty new competiotion, better to check out >>
  • New Cup also >>
  • I want to advertise Elma Forever CD again. Elmacrime is really worth seeing! >>
  • For rec fanatics >>
People keep on asking OLP recs. I say this again: we and hopefully no one else won't make any OLP replay site. We try to let those records for teams.

I try to update some sections in a few days but I cannot promise :(. Also I will put some info about Battles.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Moposite back online at 15:12 UTC by Abula

So, now we're back again, after this short period of time, this little update took even less time than we thought, only about four months :) Anyway, it's now done and this site is here to please you and your needs once again :) Of course, since the site is just recently finished, nothing will work etc etc, for example, search worked fine just a couple of days ago, but doesn't anymore, we are working on the problem. So, please inform us whenever you find anything else that should be fixed. Also, remember to give us feedback, it is very important for us in order to develop oursite >>

Yet, keep in mind that we might not be able to update this site too often, for Abula has his matriculation examination and PeXi his compulsory military service etc. *sigh and d'oh*. Also, PeXi's computer has slight problems, he has to buy a new hard disk before he can update e.g. the WR List. That won't probably take too long a time though.

Some credits
We'd like to thank the following persons for help, co-operation, webspace and several great ideas for our site:Zo3non, MGen, Alex, Tor Ove Fanoey, Tor Inge Jørgensen, JiB (funny recs), Tisk (picture texts), Sathy (title, grammar), Gavelin, Ztiff (level of the week), MUe, Petri (Mopobattle), tura, Tuska (webspace), Skint0r (pics), Mikko Leinonen (SW-levels)

P.S. Check this out (in finnish) >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 30. April 2001

another update at 16:00 UTC by Abula

  • New level pack #60 rated by Dezz
  • Replays
  • Contests
  • Old WCup Elma times

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 29. April 2001

s00n offline, anyway an update at 23:30 UTC by Abula

  • Level pack records
  • Average times
  • Elmakuskit
  • Old WCup Elma times
ps. don't send in recs, kuskis or other stuff anymore

Mini Elma site is back with new design >>

Do you want to beat some internal contest records?-) If yes then go to here (hopefully Mick will update my (!) times soon)

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 26. April 2001

OLP at 12:36 UTC by px

Official Level Pack WR table #08 is up >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 22. April 2001

OLP at 21:58 UTC by px

Official Level Pack WR table #07 is up >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 18. April 2001

Summer Update? at 21:20 UTC by Abula

Yeap, we are trying make a bigger update to this site of ours somehow. So, most of the Moposite willgo offline soon, in a period of time that is yet undefined, maybe week or two, maybe more, you never know what might occur. The most important lists, such as wr lists, olp wrs etc will be updated during that period too, of course, but the not-that-meaningful pages will go fully offline. So, if there'ssomething on this site you want to download or check, do it quite soon. Got it?-)

Yet, don't send stuff to those soon-to-be-offline pages anymore, please.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Hm IIb at 14:27 UTC by px

Can't be true? It is, believe or not :) Anyway, the following lists have been updated (at last):

Across WRs >>, Finnish Records >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Hm II at 10:56 UTC by px

Now there's one more Elma song available for you to download. This one is called Techno Kuski and is made by BarTek see this

Also some links updated

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 17. April 2001

OLP at 10:27 UTC by px

Official Level Pack WR table #06 is up >> Note that from now on you have to include also the .rec files when you are sending OLP WRs.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 15. April 2001

Hm. at 18:13 UTC by px

Elma Totals updated >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 14. April 2001

again?! at 15:50 UTC by Abula

  • Elma dictionary
  • Average times
  • Elmakuskit
  • Old World Cup times >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 13. April 2001

Happy Easter! at 18:58 UTC by Abula

Thanks MUe >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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