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Wednesday, 1. January 2003

New Elma Year 2002 at 22:50 UTC by Abula

At first I'd like to wish you extreme pure hoyla year and good luck your life's bounces.

Secondly: Level of month section has started. Who is king of level designing, compete! The first theme is Forms and figures. Read more >>

A small overview of Elma year 2001
  • 31 Jan: Haazelmaban animation was released.
  • 07 Feb: Multi WR list was started to host by SveinR.
  • 22 Feb: LOS cup started.
  • 02 Mar: Wcup 3 Winners got the prizes :].
  • 03 Mar: OLP was released.
  • 18 Apr: Official Single WR list is hosted by Moposite.
  • 21 Jul: Elma CD with Elma Crime movie was released.
  • 25 Aug: First Elma League was over.
  • 25 Aug: Moposite came back from the offline period.
  • 03 Sep: Sec cup started.
  • 16 Oct: First Mopobattle's winner was psy.
  • 19 Oct: Multi WRs's total went under 26 mins.
  • 26 Nov: Mitik Cup started.
  • 05 Dec: WRs's total went under 40 mins.
The list is Moposite-centered and I know I forget something important so mail me and I fix it. Ambulance gave the idea for poll of the Kuski of Year 2001 award, give your vote (the poll is located under kuski of month poll on main page in left frame, find it).

Kuskis of the months of the year 2001 were:
  • January 2001: zyntifox
  • February 2001: mrDJ
  • March 2001: MUe
  • April 2001: Stikky
  • May 2001: Karlis
  • June 2001: pajen
  • July 2001: MGen
  • August 2001: ciph
  • September 2001: CSabi
  • October 2001: Deadelous
  • November 2001: psy
  • December 2001: Dz
They deserve the honour.

People know Mopolauta isn't always for smart conversations, there are many newbies who don't know much the scene and only a few can write proper english. Newbies use the board as a question area, Im not sure is it good or not (for rookies it is good of course). Maybe there could be a problems, questions forum or something, dunno. Still I believe quite a big bunch Elma kuskis are reading Mopolauta nowand then.

I want to give some credit for a couple of kuskis on Mopolauta due to their activity and for being a good example to other kuskis :-). Hopefully I didn't forget anyone, I am sorry if I did. There are a few other all-time active but I don't want to mention them because.. you guess.

Credits go to (alphabetic order):
  • Ambulance: writes much.
  • ciphhh: all-time active.
  • csybe: has good arguments and strong opinions..eventhough is horse-playing too much and having a stupid role.
  • dz (new nick): 3 good topics :) + basic good.
  • EML: writes much too, has good arguments, not always active.
  • Karlis: all-time active.
  • MagnusB: basic good.
  • skint0r: active and has sense and energy to post.
  • Snyder: it's joy to read his posts.
I myself want to thank all you who loves Elma and give me an opportunity to play this great game, be in a awesome scene and update Moposite. Thank you.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Kinglist at 21:10 UTC by Abula

BarTek's taking the leadership of the Kinglist but where's Jeppe? Trabi rose to top5. Also cheat times are fixed.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 28. December 2002

Records #24 at 23:18 UTC by Abula

Record lists are updated and the cheaters removed.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

More cheating at 23:18 UTC by Abula

Illegality page is updated >>

Have discussion about our rules on Mopolauta.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

WCup4 and WRs at 17:14 UTC by px

Some cheaters were removed from the World Cup 4 results. The new, fixed results are up now. See this file to see if you gained any additional points.

The WR table was also cleaned up a bit. Some of you might even find the new table somewhat humorous. Anyway, if you know you would have the WR time for some level, please bother sending it to us.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 26. December 2002

ISO3166-A3 and ISO3166-IOC at 14:33 UTC by Abula

A few months ago I wrote we are using ISO3166-A3. Half of it was true: in flags we use it but in abbreviations we use ISO3166-IOC because they are more logical. I had to do some tiny changes and therefore some pages won't work untill next Records update.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Lgrs at 0:03 UTC by Abula

Ooh, lgrs are updated and by skint0r. Six new ones: Ghosty, Haddock, HighQ, Nicetxt, Shiny and Simple.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 23. December 2002

LOM Nov at 11:40 UTC by Abula

BarTek took the lead. One month left untill the end.

LOM records are removed, no time for me to update. Someone else can take that part.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

WCup4 at 10:00 UTC by px

Events 14 and 15 are now over, results etc done. Top20 replays for 14 and 15 are here and here. The next, 16th event will be up some time next year.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 17. December 2002

WCup4 at 0:52 UTC by px

World Cup 4 event 15 is now up. Yes I know the 14th one is still going on. I'd like to add that if necessary, time can be a matter in the 14th event even though you wouldn't finish the level. The deadline for the 14th event is Sunday 22 December at 11:00 EET and the deadline for the 15th event is 18:00 EET on the same day >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 14. December 2002

Attention at 6:29 UTC by Abula

WR table and Records won't be updated untill we have worked out the cheating issue.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 12. December 2002

WR replays at 15:38 UTC by Abula

I recommend you to check Mopolauta if you are interested in the latest cheating scandal. Because of this I'm checking all old WR replays. Unfortunately I don't have all of them. Maybe you have some which I don't have? Help the scene >>

Cheating thread >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 9. December 2002

Records #23 at 0:17 UTC by Abula

Quite a silent week (because of that sick WCup event maybe).

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 8. December 2002

WRs, Cup etc. at 18:39 UTC by px

Results for the 13th event are up now, as is the newest WR table. The new WCup 4 event, #14, might seem a bit hard for some people. You don't have to pass it through though to be able to participate. It's enough just to get 12 apples or more. Remember to take the apples in numerical order. The more you get, the better of couse, and if you somehow manage to finish the level, even better.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 5. December 2002

Elma startup batching at 14:32 UTC by Abula

A while ago dz wrote a very awesome article about level and replay organizingin side the game (no need for 1.11hb or multiple copies of Elma) >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Email viruses at 7:48 UTC by Abula

Quite a many people have gotten confused why they get (blank) emails from abula aFROMa moposite , com or pexi cFROMc moposite cDOTc com (for example). Remove those immediately, they are viruses. The viruses are not in our computers (according to the latest virus scan, we scan regularly) but in someone's else who has our emails in his address book. The virus takes the from and to -fields fromthe user's address book and because many people have our contacts in their address book thereare loads of fake mails from our emails. Check the headers of the mails and you figure out they are fake mails.

Briefly: it's a virus, delete it. The problem isn't Moposite crew's but the users' who have our emails in their address books. Scan your computer for viruses.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 4. December 2002

LOM at 20:43 UTC by Abula

The December theme of the Level of month contest is Easter.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 2. December 2002

KOM at 6:36 UTC by Abula

Jokke took the victory of kuski of November 2002, grats to him. New poll is up.

Cloud and TorInge could fill and send me their interviews.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Records #22 at 4:22 UTC by Abula

Pretty silent week (at least in top100 of world total times). Note: please don't send your state.dat more than once in two weeks (unless you are world top50 guys).

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 1. December 2002

Cup, WRs at 20:29 UTC by px

WCup413 up. Note that the deadline is Sun 8 Dec 11:00 EET. Also, EM #104 up. WCup412 results etc up, top20 replays here >>

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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