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Sunday, 31. August 2014

GAA 13 Third Step at 13:48 UTC by SveinR

The Third Step of the voting process for the GAA 13 has finally begun. The deadline of sending in your votes is Friday September 12th 2014, 23:59 EET (GMT+2).

For voting we again use a dedicated voting site for the Golden Apple Awards, more information in the Mopolauta topic. As a gesture to the community having waited so long for this GAA to get moving, this year everyone can vote!

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 16. February 2013

GAA 2012, Third Step at 11:42 UTC by SveinR

The Third Step of the voting process has begun. The deadline of sending in your votes is Friday February 22nd 2012, 23:59 EET (GMT+2).

As last year we have created a dedicated voting site for the Golden Apple Awards, more information in the Mopolauta topic.

The final show will be held on Sunday 24th February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2).

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 17. August 2012

Balázs meeting at 14:52 UTC by Abula

We're travelling in Budapest and Prague a few weeks ago and met Balázs in Budapest. I'm pretty sure many of you are interested in seeing a proof of that so here we go:

- Picture
- Report (in Finnish, use Google Translator)

Unfortunately we didn't have any serious Elma talk of which I could reveal some secret information about. Just basic stuff about Elma people we have met, Elma2 and EOL but mostly we talked about "normal life".

We also tried to attend a hungarian wine festival near to Eger in order to meet MUe but didn't get there :/.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Monday, 13. February 2012

GAA11 results at 21:11 UTC by SveinR

The final show of the Golden Apple Awards 2011 was held on Sunday February 12th 2012. The winners are:

01. Internalist - Kazan
02. Externalist - Jeppe
03. Battler - Markku
04. Rookie - Spef
05. Designer - TL
06. Team - SPEED
07. WR - 09. Tunnel Terror: 50,24 Kazan #341
08. Style - Kazan's and anpdad's Apple Harvest
09. Replay - 10. The Steppes: 11,54 Zweq
10. Level - MC305.lev Slavery by FinMan
11. Contest - MasterCup 3
12. Contribution - Kopaka: Maintaining EOL, organizer of the EOL levpack, maintains Kopasite, GAA jury member, movies
13. Achievement - Kazan: Getting 1hTT under 40 mins, having the current WR in all levels over a minute long, making 35TT, made WRs in 11 different levels in 2011
14. Site - Elma Online site
15. Art - milagros: 32TT project (Sample videos: Warm Up, Hi Flyer, Enigma, Downhill, Tricks Abound)
16. Community Award - Kopaka


IRC logs, speeches, detailed results and more on Mopolauta.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 23. January 2012

GAA 2011, Third Step at 22:37 UTC by SveinR

The Third Step of the voting process has begun. The deadline of sending in your votes is Monday February 6th 2012, 23:59 EET (GMT+2).

This year we have created a dedicated voting site for the Golden Apple Awards, more information in the Mopolauta topic.

The final show will be held on Sunday 12th February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2).

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 3. December 2011

Golden Apple Awards 2011 at 16:57 UTC by SveinR

The voting process for the Golden Apple Awards 2011 has begun. Note that you have to make suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote in the Third Step later on.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 14. February 2011

GAA10 results at 1:11 UTC by SveinR

The final show of the Golden Apple Awards 2010 was held on Sunday February 13th 2011. The winners are:

01. Internalist - Kazan
02. Externalist - Pab
03. Battler - GRob
04. Rookie - jonharkulsykkel
05. Designer - Ramone
06. Team - SPEED
07. WR - 09. Tunnel Terror: 51,88 Zweq #315
08. Style - John's Animal Farm
09. Replay - 31. Animal Farm: 1:10,59 John
10. Level - jon001.lev Deth Appels by jonharkulsykkel
11. Contest - Talvi Cup
12. Contribution - milagros: Created and manages Elasto Mania Online (EOL), the main stage for elma playing the past years
13. Achievement - Pab: Taking all JoPi records in one table
14. Site - jon's Elmastats
15. Art - niN, Jappe2 and crew: Internal Memories Elma 10 year anniversary video
16. Community Award - milagros


IRC logs, speeches, detailed results and more on Mopolauta.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Thursday, 3. February 2011

GAA 2010, date and time at 10:16 UTC by SveinR

The final show of the Golden Apple Awards 2010 will be held on Sunday February 13th, at 20:00 EET (GMT+2). The show will take place in #gaa on IRCnet.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 30. January 2011

GAA 2010, Third Step at 17:50 UTC by SveinR

The Third Step of the voting process has begun. The deadline of sending in your votes is Tuesday February 8th 2011, 23:59 EET (GMT+2).

The final show will be held on Sunday, Feburary 13th.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 10. January 2011

WR replays public after 5 year period at 14:10 UTC by px

In order to preserve and publish cultural heritage of the Action SuperCross and Elasto Mania scene, each WR replay sent to us may be published, but not sooner than five (5) years after publishing the specific WR time on the corresponding WR table.

Old WR replays (sent to us before 10th of Jan, 2011) may also be published five years after the corresponding WR table date. This can begin one year from now, 10th of January, 2012 when we can publish WR replays driven before 10th Jan 2007. If you have sent a WR replay to us before today and do not wish it being made public, please let us know within one year from now on, and it won't be published.

If you have questions about this, don't hesitate contacting us.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 5

Friday, 3. December 2010

Golden Apple Awards 2010 at 23:49 UTC by SveinR

The voting process for the Golden Apple Awards 2010 has begun. Note that you have to make suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote in the Third Step later on.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Monday, 8. February 2010

GAA09 results at 22:43 UTC by SveinR

The final show of the Golden Apple Awards 2009 was held on February 7th 2010. The winners are:

01. Internalist - Zweq
02. Externalist - adi
03. Battler - Zweq
04. Rookie - Mielz
05. Designer - Ramone
06. Team - WNO
07. WR - 05. Uphill Battle: 19,79 Jarkko #301
08. Style - talli's Serpents Tale
09. Replay - 07. Hi Flyer: Not finished (07zwoot7.rec) Zweq
10. Level - ChainPII.lev Chain Pie II MPFKBJKZB by Mawane et al.
11. Contest - Banana Cup 4
12. Contribution - Kopaka: Working on the new Elma Online site, made the Open Source Automated Cup Website, updates Kopasite, organized TEH Cup, GAA jury member
13. Achievement - John: Being the first to break the 36 minute limit in total time, continues to be on the #1 spot
14. Site - Zworqy's site
15. Art - Jappe2: His movies
16. Community Award - Kopaka


IRC logs, speeches, detailed results and more on Mopolauta.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 3. February 2010

10 years of Elasto Mania at 23:38 UTC by px

The first released version of Elma was made public on Feb 3rd, 2000. Ten years have passed since then, and the community is still alive, stronger or weaker, depending on the viewing point.

To honor the long journey of the game, niN and some other kuskis are creating a documentary (EMD) of the history of the game, scene and community. It is being discussed on this Mopolauta thread.

Contests for the anniversary
There are also a couple of contests and cups going on now. Be sure to participate in them! More info on this Mopolauta forum.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Sunday, 31. January 2010

GAA 2009 date and time at 22:52 UTC by SveinR

The final show of the Golden Apple Awards 2009 will be held on Sunday February 7th, at 20:00 EET (GMT+2). The show will take place in #gaa on IRCnet.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 24. January 2010

GAA09, Third Step at 23:32 UTC by SveinR

The Third Step of the voting process has started. The deadline of sending in your votes is Tuesday February 2nd 2010, 23:59 EET (GMT+2).

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 29. December 2009

Elasto Mania 10 year anniversary documentary at 13:36 UTC by SveinR

The 3rd of February 2010, it will be 10 years since Elasto Mania was released. A documentary is currently in the making, that will go through the history of the game and the scene during these years. We need your help to get it done, so if you want to contribute, go to this topic in Mopolauta for more information.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Tuesday, 24. November 2009

Golden Apple Awards 2009 at 17:51 UTC by SveinR

The voting process for the Golden Apple Awards 2009 has begun. Note that you have to make suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote in the Third Step later on.

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 30. September 2009

Kuski of August at 15:13 UTC by Raven

KOM July was won by Adi. Congratulations!

New KOM-poll starts tomorrow, remember to vote!

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6

Sunday, 23. August 2009

Kuski of July at 12:39 UTC by Raven

KOM July was won by John. Congratulations!


Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 15. July 2009

Kuski of June at 13:35 UTC by Raven

KOM June was won by Raven.


Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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