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Wednesday, 16. December 2015

Golden Apple Awards 2015 first step at 18:22 UTC by Kopaka

Let's all exhale before we inhale fresh air filled with creativity and energy to help the community come up with good candidates for this years GAA gala. To sum up 2015 we're currently collecting what the community consider noticeable candidates for the 2015 Golden Apple Awards. What that means is, the first step of the GAA show has begun and you can contribute to the show in this Mopolauta thread.

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 7. June 2015

FEM15 at 10:08 UTC by Abula

Did you know that FEM15 will be taking place in the 14th August 2015 and onwards? Many people (from abroad as well: Luther, ramone, BarTek, insane guy at least?) will be participating and so should you!

Category: Community  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Friday, 3. April 2015

GAA 2014 show on April 12th at 20 EEST at 21:03 UTC by Kopaka

The Golden Apple Awards 2014 show is being held on April 12th at 20:00 EEST/GMT+3 (Countdown timer).

The GAA is the Elma community's annual award show, awarding the very best of the past year in various categories.

You can follow the show on the IRC channel #gaa on IRCnet, use an IRC client such as mIRC or a webchat such as mibbit.

Category: Community  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1


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