23. December 2001 by Tisk
- Hi!
- Hi!
- Lots of changes in members. Stene joined Back to FM. Tisk Joined FM. Psy and Sathy left FM because they don't like teams and some shiat. Stene was kicked from FM. No sight of Ufo or Luni in a Year. Karlis in in Army till summer 02. Jokke is also in army till summer 02 or maybe longer.
- Summary of players: 5 players: Jokke, Karlis, Tisk, Luni and Ufo. Luni and Ufo are inactive. Karlis and Jokke are also quite inactive. Tisk is semi-active. :)
- Lots of new times
- New Members info
- Lots of new news

3. April 2001 by Elbono
- Hi! ok?
- Best times updated .. FM's going on wet 'n wild ..
- I guess we DON'T have to play some internals for a while, some SRX-team cheated their WRs =)
- Trust Everyone
.. ps.We just have to give credit for SC, even though they don't play
: they rock the wr-table on 2nd place after us.. FM .. U go girls!!11++

18. February 2001 by Karlis
- Hi!
- Best times updated (TRs and totals not)
- I guess we have to play some internals again, some SRX-team has too many WRs ;)
- Trust no one
(MoSH_MaN1) why
(MoSH_MaN1) why

29. December 2000 by Karlis
- Luni won World Cup 3!!!11 Karlis was 3rd and Jokke 4th.
- Luni got Nokia cap =P
- Welcome back Stene!
- WR-list #52 is up. FM has 11 wrs.
- Psy goes army
- Where is Ufo?
- FM best times updated
(Liggo) can u give mi a answer?
(Liggo) are u dead or somefing?
- Psy and Sathy's Kahvicup going on
- Hi!
- Hi!

2. October 2000 by Psytoor
What? Lousy updating? We have some member news here, the amount of FM-gays is shockingly increasing, Sathy came and answered the question, "is it possible to join fm?" Well seems like it. And you dont even have to be a top player. Let's welcome our latest member. Dont expect any updating before christmas?

3. July 2000 by Karlis
Luni and Karlis won the first event of the World Cup 3.......not bad.

I don't think we will play internals much during the Cup

WCup302.lev is SuXXiuEZ!!!!

27. June 2000 by Karlis
Yeah, I know, I should update more often, and I will try. Summer is just so busy time.

World Cup started in these days. I heard that all the SSC-höyläs will play it, so it won't be too easy to get points. You fucking höyläs ;)

Check out the www.moposite.com

Some recs added, maybe =)

Best Times updated.

Is PRA höyling the cup???

4. June 2000 by Karlique
Yeah, new WorldCup is coming, thnX PeXi! FM ruled the WC2k, we had 6(I think it was six) members in the TOP-10, I will try to be in TOP-10 this time also, I hope that other FM-gays(or was it guys) will play too. More info on PeXi's site

Jokke broke Joni's WR in downhill, but soon after that zeth broke it again :(

Bye Bye Stene and YeeS :((

Fair Trial and On Top recs are now downloadable in the Across Recs-section(Thnx Seppo)

Best Times updated, many new times by Jokke and one WR by Ufo

Jokke has most WRs in the Official Elastomania WR-list. 6 WRs!!!! Good work Jokke.

Btw. 3Litre har en stor igelkottkuk =P

30. May 2000 by Psy
Ok, im updating this news now because I have bad news, Stene and Yees left us :( We're not happy with it, but they quit the game and also FM, here's the mail I got:"Hi Psy! YeeS and I have quit playing ElMa and Across, and therefore we have naturally decided to leave FM. I guess u don`t want any none-playing members in your team, that would just be silly. The reason why is that we are so damn tired of the game, we are damn tired of #across and personally I am fed up with some of the people in the Elma world. Thanks for everything!" So bye bye Stene and bye bye Yees. We're now a 5 member team, but that doesnt mean we'll take 2 new members, no new members are joining so don't ask.

24. May 2000 by Karlis
Ufo got 2 WRs in one table, at least somebody is höyling the internals. I hope Psy will start playing too. And where is Luni, Stene and Yees????

The final round in TeamCup is going on and we're höyling like hell(means that Psy has played few minutes. Rest of us haven't done anything)

And PRA, we saw who is who in WC2k and we'll see who is who in the next World Cup. ;)

18. May 2000 by Karlis
WOAH, FM-page updated! Is this really happening? Anyway, Best Times updated.

Remember that I'm the updater in news and almost everything else. So, if you have something to say about the page, tell me, not Psy. He will only update the contest-section.

Fm won round4 in Motomen's teamcup. We are now in the final round, so keep on höylin' boys! And remember, FM JYRAEAE!!! =)

9. May 2000 by Psy
Okey, so we made a new site. And because I was the one who wanted a new site, of course it was me who had to do it :P Why did you make a new site then? The reason is pretty simple, the old site didn't have that much content, and it was very hard to update, even harder to add new sections.

So what's new here?

First of all, we have a contest site, where you can compete on best times on some nice flowerlevels. Btw if you wonder why Stene's levs look so familiar, reason is because they're based on old psytracks. And dont forget that Psy is updating the contest section, dont send contest records to Karlis. Some levels made by Ufo and Luni are probably soon uploaded, also something by Psy.

We have a replay section, you can send in your own better replays for across and elma.

Team history, I first intended to put up members history but our members are so fucking lazy that they cant do a thing, if they could've have made some shiat earlier we would've uploaded this site a few weeks ago.

I transferred some links from my site, now you can even call it a link site, though I only put up links to site's I think are worth a visit, you can't complain if your site isn't there :)

Members section has more info now.

I also included a guestbook here, so you can comment and ask stuff, just like in my own gbook, but of course this time any fm member might answer you :)

Well, enjoy and blah blah. Karlis will be the updater in the future, but you might see some updates by me too, i'll at least update those contests.

1. April 2000 by Karlis
Ah, april. I've noticed that people are trying to bring something new to elma-world: Motomen's team world cup and that elmajourney thing. I think that we don't need anything new, all we really want is another world cup. PeXi, What are you waiting for? =)

FM-dudes, send me or tell me in #across if you have new team records, please.

This was my second update, damn I hate this already... =)

30. March 2000 by Karlis
I got mail from ufo and he said to me: "can you add a counter to the fm site?" Well, maybe I can, if I'll find nice counter, U never know.

Wr-list #5 is up, FM got few wrs and lost some wrs....

26. March 2000 by Psy and Karlis
These are the second and the last news i'll write here, hopefully. since i have my own site to take care of, karlis will be the next updater of this site, hopefully there'll be more updates than before. keep on höyling.

And we finally have our team logo, i asked it from team MC, and Tuska made the logo for us, lots of thanks to Tuska, we love the logo! :)

And good luck to karlis in this impossible update mission :P //psy

Karlis: Thanks a lot Psy"The lousy updater"m0rph ;). I'll try more often than psy did, but I really hate these fucking news, 'cos I'm not so good in encligsht =)

ps. FM-members, send you stats to karlberg@dlc.fi

23. February 2000 by Psy
Ok, after a thousand requests we finally uploaded this site. It has been "ready" for a while, I just didn't meet ufo in irc for a while so he couldn't send it to me (such thing as email doesn't exist in the fm world :)

The members section is pretty empty now, i'll put up information as soon as i get it.

And the times section, well, there's only total times now (don't worry, kafka, i have a backup of the table :), we have a lot of secret times. i'll upload the best times after wr table #01. (fm members send your stats.txt to me!!)

Have fun on this nice site (:P) and keep coming back, expecially after the first wr table, before that i can only update the members section and links.
Pasteright by Flowertouching Men, 2000-2004.