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News comments

Saturday, 1. April 2006

User contests category at 22:43 UTC by Abula

We have just decided to create a new category to News: User contests (it's Low priority so it needs to be enabled in Settings). It's a child category of Contests and meant for people who want to write news to Moposite about their own contest (for example because you updated the page or added new levels). Alot of players read the Moposite news so if you wish, you are more than welcome to use this feature, we think it's likely to give contests more players and thus make contests more interesting.

What we require is that your contest is of some quality, and that it's either been running for a while or that you have previously done something similar and have been noticed at some level in the community. And obviously you also have to be able to write English. We also expect that those willing to use this feature will have something to write about more than once in a year.

As with everything, this privilege too comes with responsibility, so if you write off-topic or abuse your right to write, we wont hesitate on taking your privilege away. In extreme cases banning might be considered, but we wish that there will be no need for such measures as this is meant to be for everyones benefit.

If you are willing to try, please mail your nick and url of your contest to help at moposite cDOTc com. And yes, the contest must be running in your own site.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: Medium

Comments (4)

#1 at 1:10 UTC - 2. Apr 2006 by teajay

This is just great!

I'm planning to get something done in a few months so I can use this feature.

Really, cool idea!

#2 at 3:27 UTC - 2. Apr 2006 by jcl

Nice idea. Maybe gives more publicity to contests. I think default filter should be low, I bet most ppl are glad to see any news, and those who don't can just set it for themselves.

#3 at 9:46 UTC - 2. Apr 2006 by teajay

I agree with that jcl. ;)

#4 at 20:09 UTC - 5. Apr 2006 by Abula

I don't really understand why no one has contacted me on this matter. People are not reading news or free advertising is not interesting them?



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