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Friday, 18. May 2012

Mopobattle results at 14:50 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle spring 2012 season results are ready! Go to and press Standings.

The top 10 is:

1. Bjenn [EF] 865 pts.
2. Zweq [WNO] 682 pts.
3. finman [MiE] 657 pts.
4. Markku 650 pts.
5. NightMar [xXx] 550 pts.
6. Lukazz [BAP] 484 pts.
7. adi [MiE] 452 pts.
8. ville_j 431 pts.
9. GRob [ngt] 390 pts.
10. Madness [SPEED] 385 pts.

Congratulations, Bjenn [EF]! Bjenn won 5 mopobattles and was very active at least in the beginning of the season, so he deserves the victory. Congratulations also to other top guys. The points were given as SveinR suggested: 100-80-60-50-45-40-36-32-29-26-24-22-20-18-16-15-14-...-1. (for top 30).

Thanks to Kopaka for making the statistics and the EOL site overall. And thanks to all players of course!

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Wednesday, 16. May 2012

Mopobattle 183 at 20:46 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 183 was battled:

Top 10:

1. Markku 00:46,07
2. Kazan 00:46,19
3. finman [MiE] 00:46,28
4. SveinR [TAAF] 00:49,96
5. mena 00:51,55
6. Lukazz [BAP] 00:51,96
7. Eddi [27] 00:52,38
8. Jeppe 00:52,53
9. jblaze 00:55,63
10. Ante [UME] 00:55,70

It was the last mopobattle for now. We'll see on autumn if there is going to be a new season.

I'm very sorry to say that we still don't have any stats :( Maybe Kopaka will make them later this year and we will see the winner. But I think it will be either Markku or Bjenn, because they both have quite many wins.

See the links to all mopobattles on my page:
I uploaded also a pack containing all levs and recs.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 12. May 2012

Mopobattle 182 at 19:21 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 182 was played:

Top 10:

1. talli [EPO] 00:54,45
2. Zox [MAN] 00:55,87
3. finman [MiE] 00:56,27
4. Memphis [HHIT] 00:58,25
5. NightMar [xXx] 00:59,23
6. kestas [TEM] 00:59,38
7. juka 01:01,90
8. jblaze 01:08,90
9. Vitesse 01:09,57
10. Spef [SPEED] 01:10,24

There is only one mopobattle left on this season. It will be battled next Wednesday at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 7. May 2012

Mopobattle 181 at 19:26 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 181:

Top 10:

1. Markku 00:50,19
2. Zero [TAP] 00:50,67
3. Eddi [27] 00:51,16
4. Mielz [SPEED] 00:51,92
5. Zox [MAN] 00:51,94
6. Thunder [LET] 00:52,16
7. J-sim [EMA] 00:52,96
8. Stini [ICE] 00:53,09
9. NightMar [xXx] 00:53,41
10. ElrondMcBong [EA] 00:54,22

Only two mopobattles left in this season. The next one is on Friday at 21.00 EEST. Level by Lousku.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 2. May 2012

Mopobattle 180 at 20:08 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 180 was played:

Top 10:

1. Madness [SPEED] 00:45,46
2. Markku 00:46,56
3. NightMar [xXx] 00:46,92
4. Mika [27] 00:47,34
5. jblaze 00:47,84
6. juka 00:48,25
7. Vandmand [EMA] 00:49,78
8. Eddi [27] 00:49,80
9. Ismo 00:49,99
10. MIF [EMA] 00:50,06

In the afterbattle Markku made amazing 43,56 with upper style. Also Madness improved his time. There is also another very hard upper style which I tried.

Next mopobattle on Monday 7.5.2012 at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 26. April 2012

Mopobattle 179 at 19:39 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 179:

Top 10:

1. Orcc 00:50,28
2. Ismo 00:51,16
3. ville_j 00:51,40
4. nick-o-matic [MiE] 00:51,41
5. Markku 00:52,66
6. J-sim [EMA] 00:53,43
7. Thunder [LET] 00:54,11
8. BlaZtek [CMR] 00:54,54
9. Madness [SPEED] 00:55,28
10. umiz [TAP] 00:55,54

Cool styles there. And top 5 for Finland :) Next mopobattle on Wednesday 2.5. at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Friday, 20. April 2012

Mopobattle 178 at 19:22 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 178 was played:

top 10:

1. NightMar [xXx] 00:58,81
2. finman [MiE] 01:05,32
3. Tisk [FM] 01:17,82
4. ElrondMcBong [EA] 01:20,54
5. RedLine87 [LATP] 01:21,43
6. BlaZtek [CMR] 01:22,19
7. SCASI 01:22,63
8. Ville_J 01:23,11
9. Zero [TAP] 01:25,06
10. kestas [TEM] 01:25,45

The level was very hard and NightMar took an impressive victory.
Next mopobattle will be on Thursday 26.4.2012 at 21.00 EEST.

Don't send me levels anymore. I think the interest in mopobattles is slowly fading away and we have already battled 15 mopobattles so the season will end soon.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 15. April 2012

Mopobattle 177 at 20:20 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 177:

top 10:

1. GRob [ngt] 00:32,26
2. adi [MiE] 00:32,76
3. Zero [TAP] 00:33,14
4. Eddi [27] 00:34,06
5. finman [MiE] 00:34,07
6. Lukazz [BAP] 00:34,97
7. DaFred [APoKu] 00:36,06
8. umiz [TAP] 00:39,62
9. SveinR [TAAF] 00:39,68
10. Smygvild 00:39,84

There were many styles once again but one (meant only for pros) was above others... :)

Next mopobattle on Friday 20.4.2012 at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 3

Thursday, 12. April 2012

Mopobattle 176 at 19:13 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 176:

top 10:

1. Zweq [WNO] 00:49,22
2. Bjenn [EF] 00:49,57
3. Kopaka [LAME]00:49,84
4. jonsykel [BAP] 00:50,85
5. totem [TEM] 00:51,47
6. Ville_J 00:51,62
7. Vandmand [EMA] 00:51,87
8. Lukazz [BAP] 00:52,43
9. juka 00:52,80
10. zebra [TAP] 00:53,69

It was quite interesting gravity level. Next mopobattle on Tuesday 17.4. at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 31. March 2012

Mopobattle 175 at 13:23 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 175 was played:


1. Bjenn [EF] 00:48,39
2. Haruhi 00:48,53
3. adi [MiE] 00:49,05
4. Ville_J 00:49,46
5. NightMar [xXx] 00:50,02
6. Madness [SPEED] 00:50,85
7. MIF [EMA] 00:51,71
8. zebra [TAP] 00:55,35
9. Vandmand [EMA] 00:55,52
10. Lukazz [BAP] 00:56,00

It's a hat-trick for Bjenn, congratulations!
Lev was nice and there were many styles.

Next mopobattle on Thursday 5.4.2012 at 21.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Monday, 26. March 2012

Mopobattle 174 at 19:23 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 174:

1. Bjenn [EF] 00:37,11
2. Lukazz [BAP] 00:38,18
3. finman [MiE] 00:38,57
4. Kuper 00:38,59
5. Kiiwi [BAP] 00:38,62
6. adi [MiE] 00:38,81
7. Zox [MAN] 00:39,27
8. terb0 [holja] 00:39,34
9. bEAT 00:39,50
10. ScHuMaChEr 00:39,64

Congratulations again, Bjenn :)

Next mopobattle on Saturday at 15.00 EEST.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Thursday, 22. March 2012

Mopobattle 173 at 19:08 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 173 was played:

1. Bjenn [EF] 00:33,74
2. Xarthok [EPO] 00:34,44
3. J-sim [EMA] 00:34,46
4. Juish [HHIT] 00:35,08
5. Madness [SPEED] 00:35,09
6. Boomer [LOS] 00:35,30
7. Ville_J 00:35,93
8. Zweq [WNO] 00:36,05
9. Orcc 00:36,23
10. SveinR [TAAF] 00:36,30

Bjenn was "lucky" and won the battle :) Next mopobattle on Sunday at 21.00 EEST. My lev :)

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 5

Monday, 19. March 2012

Mopobattle 172 at 20:15 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 172 was played:

Top 10:

1. Markku 00:41,70
2. adi [MiE] 00:41,87
3. Bjenn [EF] 00:42,10
4. Zweq [WNO] 00:42,48
5. finman [MiE] 00:42,63
6. jblaze 00:42,91
7. Orcc 00:43,03
8. Stini [ICE] 00:43,14
9. NightMar [xXx] 00:43,33
10. Mielz [SPEED] 00:43,54

The battle was cool and Markku has surprisingly different route than all the others.
Next mopobattle on Thursday at 20 EET (one hour earlier). Level by Bludek.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2

Wednesday, 14. March 2012

Mopobattle 171 at 20:13 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 171 was played:

top 10:

1. Markku 00:55,00
2. Zweq [WNO] 00:55,39
3. Lukazz [BAP] 00:56,43
4. NightMar [xXx] 00:56,53
5. Madness [SPEED] 00:56,58
6. SveinR [TAAF] 00:57,30
7. adi [MiE] 00:57,64
8. jblaze 00:57,73
9. Ismo 00:57,89
10. Ville_J 00:58,02

Next mopobattle on Monday at 21 EET by Devan.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 11. March 2012

Mopobattle 170 was played at 19:07 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 170 was played:

top 10:

1. adi [MiE] 00:32,50
2. finman [NK] 00:32,85
3. Mielz [SPEED] 00:33,24
4. Zero [TAP] 00:33,26
5. error [27] 00:34,45
6. Ville_J 00:35,17
7. Kopaka [LAME] 00:35,18
8. Moszat [ngt] 00:35,41
9. roope [MiE] 00:35,52
10. MIF [EMA] 00:36,03

Next mopobattle on Wednesday at 21 EET. The level is mine and it's more straightforward (not so much stylefinding, some tricks only).

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 8. February 2012

First EOL mopobattle over at 20:25 UTC by zebra

The first EOL mopobattle was played and we got 60 players which is kinda nice number and easy to remember :)

The battle can be seen here:
Congratulations Bjenn [EF] on winning the first EOL mopobattle!

Top 10 was:
1. Bjenn [EF] 00:45,44
2. Markku 00:47,57
3. Zweq [WNO] 00:47,61
4. GRob [ngt] 00:49,32
5. finman [NK] 00:50,67
6. Xarthok [EPO] 00:51,47
7. Ville_J 00:52,09
8. NightMar [xXx] 00:52,20
9. k0xx 00:52,43
10. LazY [TAAF] 00:52,48

I linked the replays of the kuskis who uploaded their rec to Would be nice if top 5 would always upload their recs, but I can't force you.

I also took some pictures of the battle:
I think we had quite a nice battle. Thanks to all who played! The next mopobattle will be on Monday at 21.00 EET.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Monday, 6. February 2012

EOL mopobattles at 20:56 UTC by zebra

I'm starting to organize mopobattles again after nearly 5 years. The old system (IRC and battlebot) won't be used anymore. Instead, we will organize them in EOL. The first mopobattle will be on Wednesday at 21.00 EET. It will also start the new season of mopobattles. We don't have any statistics yet but they will come later. See more information from this mopolauta topic:


Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 4. April 2007

Mopobattles over at 21:09 UTC by zebra

Mopobattles are on break now. This is mainly due to lack of players.
I uploaded all levs, recs and results in one pack.

See more info from

Today there were 2 battles played:
Mopobattle 162 by ScHuMaChEr: Winner: axxu [AC].
Mopobattle 163 by Jappe2 [TAP]: Winner: axxu [AC].

Statistics: players, team, nationality, stats

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 5

Thursday, 29. March 2007

Mopobattles 160 and 161 over at 20:54 UTC by zebra

Mopobattle 160 by ScHuMaChEr: Winner: Rasken [LOS]. level, replay, results
Mopobattle 161 by ScHuMaChEr: Winner: axxu [AC]. level, replay, results
Coming events

There were problems with creating the stats with MGen's old mopobattle program. It failed to generate anything, so I used my mergestats. Unfortunately there's a problem: mergestats doesn't merge players who have changed team (for example 'dz' and 'dz [FM]'. That's why most of the players lost lots of points. I can fix this when I have time, but at the meantime I uploaded some kind of stats for you.

Please say your opinion:
- Which kind of statistics are needed
- Is the current pointing system good
- Or should we stop arranging mopobattles (I have only 2 levels in queue at the moment)

New statistics:
All levels
Cup points

Old statistics: player, team, nationality

edit: I found out now that MGen's mopobattle program was just slow but it was working (dunno why suddenly so slow, takes like 5 mins to generate results)

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 6

Wednesday, 21. March 2007

Mopobattles 158 and 159 over at 20:42 UTC by zebra

Zweq is quick nowadays, he won both of these battles too.
There were many more people in belma but they didn't post their times in mopobattle channel.

Mopobattle 158 by ScHuMaChEr: Winner: Zweq [WNO]. level, replay, results
Mopobattle 159 by ScHuMaChEr: Winner: Zweq [WNO]. level, replay, results
Statistics: player, team, nationality

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 13


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